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"You're mine."

All eyes were on the brunette, waiting for him to pull the trigger. Beads of sweat trickling down his forehead as he aimed for the one last glass bottle in front him. One bullet that would determine his victory.

"Just shoot them, Taehyung!"Hoseok exclaimed from behind while jumping up and down.

"Hush! He's going to lose his focus!" Yoongi put a finger on his lips.

Hoseok stopped jumping and frowned. "Sorry."

Taking one last deep breath and closed his right eye, slowly pulling the trigger. One, two.

"Three!" On count three, the bullet launched with one pull and Taehyung straightened up his body. He smirked when the last bullet hit the glass bottle. The brunette scrunched his nose and lifted his chin as he turned around to look at his friend proudly.

"Well?" He folded his arms as he waited for them to compliment him.

"Nice shot, Tae!" Namjoon was the first one to compliment.

"Thanks." He looked at the rest and raised his brows. His eyes fell on Jungkook who was frowning. Taehyung snickered at him. "Seems like someone is going to get upset today." Taehyung turned back to the attendant and took the teddy bear from him.

"Here you go." He handed the prize to Taehee. The latter blinked at him in confusion. "Jungkook failed to get this and since you look like you really want this, I got it for you instead." The others snorted and Jungkook rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"Oh, thank you," Taehee smiled at him. "You don't have to do it honestly."

"My honour," Taehyung said and glanced at Jungkook. He stuck out his tongue playfully at him.

"Let's go! There's a lot of other games we haven't tried yet." Jungkook turned on his heels and started walking.

"Uh-oh, birthday boy is sulky right now. You should go to him," Jihyo said to Tae Hee and nudged her friend on her shoulder.

"Yeah, Taehyung was mean. Poor Jungkook," Jimin said as he slapped Taehyung's arm.

Taehee rubbed the back of her neck and awkwardly looked at the others. They looked back at her, making Taehee feel pressure from the stare. She sighed inwardly and followed Jungkook. Taehee didn't know what she should do so she glanced back at her friend, hoping to get some ideas but they only smirked and waved at her to go.

Before she realised it, they were walking shoulder-to-shoulder amongst other couples at the fair. It had been mostly silent with only the sounds and chatters from their surrounding.

They were like two people trying hard not to be uncomfortable.

Tae Hee finally broke the thick silence. Looking up at him, she asked, "Do you have any ride you want to try or food you want to eat?"

Jungkook glanced briefly at the teddy bear that Tae Hee was hugging then back to the front. "Do you like the prize?"

Tae Hee looked at the pink teddy bear. "Yeah. It's cute." It reminded her of the teddy bear that her late father got for her at the fair when she was 5 years old. She accidentally left it when they moved to a new house.

Jungkook sighed defeatedly. "As long as you like it." He mumbled.

Later, they went to play a fishing game after gobbling down two hotdogs and a bag of mini doughnut which made their fingers a bit sticky. Jungkook almost choked on his spit when he saw Tae Hee unconsciously licking the excess sugar off her fingers.

Masquerade // Jeon JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now