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Seonghwa was strolling at the park after he finished his jog when he saw Tae Hee. She was sitting at one of the benches alone while staring blankly at the front. It seems like she's having a deep thought and her expression was hard to decipher.

"May I sit here?" he asked.

"Sure," she replied without looking at him. She didn't even realised it was Seonghwa until the lad asked her another question.

"Has Jungkook been occupying your mind lately or you're trying to fill his images inside your memory?"

She whipped her head to the side. "Seonghwa? When did you come?"

"I was here for like 30 seconds ago. Should I feel sad that you didn't recognise my voice?" he chuckled, trying to lift up the mood.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to. I just..." she sighed.

"What's wrong?"

"I don't know anymore." She leaned back against the bench and looked up at the sky.

Seonghwa leaned back against the bench and turned his head up to look at the sky too. "You don't know or you are tired of thinking about it?"

"Both, I guess." Tae Hee shrugged.

"Then, don't think about it. Just do whatever your heart wants to do."

"I can't. My conscience won't let me do it." I can't be selfish anymore.

Seonghwa turned to look at Tae Hee and the latter did the same. His heart was beating when their gazes met. He quickly looked away and cleared his throat. Maybe because he hadn't seen her since that day so he felt nervous.

"I'm sorry for troubling you," Tae Hee suddenly apologised.

"Why would you apologise to me?"

"I...I just feel bad about it. I am oblivious about your feelings yet I always trouble you about him. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to."

"Don't be. That's like rubbing salt to my wound. Just..." he glanced at her then back to the front. "just don't say anything. I prefer you not feel sorry about it."

Tae Hee smiled. "Can we still be friends?"

"You..." Seonghwa frowned. "Yeah, fine. Getting friendzoned doesn't sound that bad."

Tae Hee giggled. Even though her heart was heavy from thinking about what Mina said, at least she felt a bit relieved now that she and Seonghwa were talking again. It made her feel bad when Seonghwa kept on avoiding her; she felt like she lost a good friend.

"Are you feeling better?" he asked when he saw her smiling.

"A bit. At least I have something that I can smile about today," Tae Hee replied. "Thanks, Seonghwa." She gave him a genuine smile.

"As long as you're happy." His lips perked up into a smile. He might not have her heart but it still makes him happy seeing her smiling.

"You know what, I think it's time for me to say goodbye."



The couple posed when the photographer counted to three and started to take pictures of them. He just opened his studio when they came and asked for a wedding picture. "You guys look great! Should we take more photos so you can choose the best out of it?"

"Sure!" Tae Hee said as the stylist adjusted the flower crown on her head. She muttered a thank you when the stylist was done. "Ready?" she asked Jungkook who was adjusting his bow.

Masquerade // Jeon JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now