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Rain started to pour heavily outside and people were running to shelter themselves from the sudden downpour. The hospital entrance was packed with people who either waiting for the rain to stop so that they can continue their walk to their next destination or for someone to pick them up by car.

To some patient inside the hospital, the sound of the rain could calm their mind and heart or lullaby them to sleep.

To Mina, the sound of the rain mirroring her heart crying for the scene that she just witnessed – the man that she loves hugging a woman that resembles her – though on the outer side she doesn't shed any tears.

Mina was about to enter Seonghwa's ward when she saw him hugging Tae Hee. She couldn't do anything, it's like her body refuse to move further.

Seonghwa's eyes darted on her and they locked their gazes for a few second.

Jungkook who was standing behind Mina slowly shifted his gazes towards the woman who's Seonghwa was hugging. For some reason, he felt a sense of familiarity when he saw her back – it's like he had seen that back before. She seems familiar. Who's she? He tried to remember where he had seen it before.

A realisation struck him like a truck. No, it can't be.

He looked at Tae Hee and Mina back and forth. Don't be crazy, Jungkook. There's no way that woman over there is Mina.

At that moment, Seonghwa hugged Tae Hee tighter, burying her face deeper into his chest. Tae Hee was oblivious to the presence of Jungkook and Mina at the door since she's baffled by Seonghwa's sudden hug that she didn't notice any new presence around her. Her mind was occupied with a lot of unanswered questions as to why he's acting that way.

"Let's go back." Mina turned her head away, not wanting to watch it any longer. Her voice snapped Jungkook out of his momentary daze.

"Uh, okay."

Tae Hee's ear caught Jungkook's voice. She wanted to turn her head around but Seonghwa held it still.

"Don't move," he whispered. When he's sure both Jungkook and Mina was out of sight, he released the hug.

"What the hell was that hug for?" Tae Hee pulled herself away from Seonghwa and her forehead creased. Her cheeks were still red. She whipped her head towards the door. "I thought I heard Jungkook's voice just now."

"He came just now." Seonghwa leaned his back against the headboard and sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose. That was close. I forgot that she stays here.

"He did?" Tae Hee jolted up from her seat. Did he saw us?

She hurried towards the door and pried it open before Seonghwa could stop her. Tae Hee poked her head outside and saw Jungkook was pushing someone on a wheelchair. They stopped in front of the lift, waiting for it as Jungkook tapped his foot.

Tae Hee's eyes trailed from Jungkook to the person that was sitting on the wheelchair. Her eyes widened and gasped when she saw it was Mina. That was the first time she saw her in person – she resembles her a lot that for a second Tae Hee thought she's looking at herself. The only difference is that they have different hairstyle but even that was not noticeable.

Right, that's where he should be – by her side and not mine. That's where he's rightfully belong to. Tae Hee saw Jungkook was saying something to Mina and he was smiling at her as he fixed the blanket that rested on her lap.

Right at that moment, Mina turned her head towards her direction. Tae Hee couldn't pry her eyes away – as if Mina put a spell on it – and they stared at each other for a few seconds. Mina was surprised to see her too and she had the same thought as her. Both of them couldn't believe that they are like a mirror to each other and their eyes bore the same emotions at the same time – sadness.

Masquerade // Jeon JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now