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The smell of grilled steak wafted through the kitchen of Tae Hee's new apartment as Jungkook flipped the meat over with a tong. Tae Hee set up the utensils on the kitchen island. She placed down a bowl of apples that she already chopped before she went to Jungkook's side.

"Do you need any help?"

"No thanks. The steak is almost ready. Have a seat."

"O – okay." She scratched her head, feeling awkward that Jungkook was the one who did the cook when he's the guest. She slipped on one of the stool and propped her elbows on the marbled island. Her eyes landed on Jungkook's back view. His body looked muscular from behind and he has quite a broad shoulder. He looked dependable and it made her want to give him a back hug.

Shit, Tae Hee! What are you thinking? She mentally slapped herself.

"Do you like how I look from behind?" Jungkook said and his tone was laced with mischievous. He didn't turn to look at her as he placed the meat on the plate that filled with pasta.

"Huh? I – I didn't look at you!" Tae Hee's face turned crimson red.

Jungkook turned around with two plates on his hands and he placed one of it in front of her. He smirked and took a seat opposite her. "Really? I swear I feel like someone was enjoying my back view."

"Not me." She didn't dare to meet his eyes and focused on her food. The pasta and the medium-rare steak looked appetising. Her stomach growling just looking at it.

"Might be a virgin ghost." Jungkook took a sip of the red wine. "You should be careful, she might haunt you since she already found out I'm your fiancé," he whispered.

Tae Hee cringed. "I think you should say it to yourself. She might follow you back home."

It made Jungkook burst into a laugh. The sound of his laughter echoed through the kitchen. It might sound weird but there's a comfortable feeling when he spends his time with her even though this was their second time being alone together.

"Have I told you that you're quite interesting?" he said as he wiped the remaining tears in the corner of his eyes.

"Yeah and maybe I should feel honoured that you told me twice already." Tae Hee took a steak knife to cut the meat.

"Let me do it." Jungkook pulled her plate towards him and cut the meat into pieces for her. He then pushed the plate back to her.

Tae Hee mouthed thanks and took a bite of the pieced meat. Her eyes beamed when the taste of the savoury meat melted into her mouth. She took another bite and her smile grew wider.

"Eat slowly. You will get a stomach-ache if you don't chew your food properly."

"This steak tastes delicious!" she exclaimed in delight. Tae Hee wound the pasta around the fork and brought it into her mouth. Again, the taste made her eyes widened in awe. She didn't expect Jungkook to be a great cook. No offence but his food tastes better than Jihyo's. "The pasta too!"

"Glad it matches your palate," Jungkook chuckled as he watched her hoarding the food in her mouth. In a few minutes, her plate was already empty.

Tae Hee took a sip of her wine and let out a satisfied sigh. It's been a long time since she gets to eat a delicious food – the Japanese food that she ate yesterday was good but Mrs Lee wouldn't like it if she stuffs herself in front of the Jeon's family.

"Are you not eating?" Tae Hee asked when she saw Jungkook only eat a quarter of his pasta.

"I suddenly feel full. Do you want mine?"

Masquerade // Jeon JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now