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Seonghwa almost chokes on the hot tea that he was drinking. He coughed and wiped the tears that were pooling in his eyes. The unexpected news that he heard from Tae Hee sent him to utter shock - he didn't know if it was because of his jet lag that he couldn't digest the information properly.

"You're not joking with me right?" he demanded as he looked straight into her eyes. A mix of shock and disbelief were evident in his face.

When Tae Hee remained silent, his jaw hung open. Seonghwa pinched his cheek to check if he's indeed not dreaming; the pain that he felt confirmed that he was outside of his dream. "I didn't come back from New York just to hear this unexpected news and I don't know if I should congratulate you guys."

Tae Hee chuckled. "At least it's not a bad news."

"I am yet to determine whether it's good or bad news," he replied. "Did Sehun know about this?"

"He did."

"I bet he's on his way here and would probably choke Jungkook."

"He is already on his way here, I'm not joking," she snorted.

"I would be surprised if he stayed still after hearing this. You and Jungkook just got back together for about 5 months and now..." he peered down towards her stomach. "Is that why he's hiding inside his painting room now?" Seonghwa asked with an amused tone and casted a glance towards the closed door.

Tae Hee shrugged. "He seemed to have a deep thought about something since yesterday." She propped her elbows on the kitchen isle and leaned her cheek on her palm. A sigh left her lips as she's worried Jungkook seemed to be quiet since yesterday.

Seonghwa looked away from the door and fixed on Tae Hee. "So you guys are planning to get married soon?"

"Not so soon. Maybe after the baby is born," she replied. "We don't want to rush things since we're trying to get to know and understand each other more."

"The baby was not a plan then," Seonghwa deadpanned. He's still in a state where he's trying to digest a fact that the woman in front of him was currently pregnant.

Everything happened so fast - from the moment Tae Hee and Jungkook got back together and now they have a baby. It made him wonder if he lived in New York for too long that he lost track about things that had been happening in Korea.

"Definitely not a plan but it is a blessing for both of us," Tae Hee smiled. She never imagined that she would one day bear Jungkook's child. "Now that I remember, Jungkook lived in New York for a while too. I found it funny that you and him lived in the same state yet you guys never bump into each other."

Seonghwa rolled his eyes. "I found it annoying that he actually lived in New York and I'm glad we didn't meet each other there." He would laugh at his own fate further if they actually bump into each other in New York.


Jungkook was standing in front of the large window inside his painting room with his arms crossed against his chest. His gaze was fixed on trees and leaves that were dancing gracefully when the wind blew upon it. People were walking towards their desired destination in a fast manner - it was expected of people from Seoul, always busy with their schedules even during the weekend.

He leaned against the window and looked away from it to the small paper that he had been holding in his hand.

Jungkook was about to grab his lunch at a nearby cafe when he encountered his former butler who appeared from out of nowhere in front of him. He couldn't hide his shock when the old man suddenly stopped him from walking further.

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