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Tae Hee's hotel room was messy as she rummaged through her luggage to find her favourite jumper that she always wears whenever she's trying to find a solace. It was her father's last gift before he got into the accident.

The jumper gives her the comfort that she longs for as if her father is there, cooing at her and telling her that everything is going to be fine and he will always support her from above.

"Did they not pack it?" All her belongings in that house were packed by a maid before Seonghwa brought it to her. There's no other way except for her to go back into that apartment and search for her jumper.

"I think Jungkook already gave up looking for me at that apartment." She stood on her feet and grabbed her coat.

Tae Hee hastened towards the lobby and hailed an incoming taxi. After she got into the car and told the driver the address, she texted Seonghwa so that he won't get worried if he found out she was absent from the room.

Now that she was outside, she just realised that it was already night and the sky was painted with dark blue and decorated with a few shining stars. The streets were lighted as expected - Seoul is always lively.

She smiled as she stared at the scenery outside. "I will miss this city soon," she muttered.

"Are you leaving Seoul?" The driver who looked like he's in his late 50s - judging from his greyed hair - asked as he glanced at her through the rearview mirror.

"Yes, soon," Tae Hee answered.

"You must be planning to go outside of Korea. Young people like you usually prefer living in Seoul or outside of Korea."

Tae Hee averted her gaze towards the driver and smiled at him. "I don't have any plan for that. I'm going far away from here, away from a person, but I don't know where yet." To be honest, she didn't know if she would leave this place or him; His heart was where her home was.

After what Jimin told her yesterday, she decided that she will meet him, though it might be her last moment with him. She just wanted to see him again.

She wanted to tell him how much she loves him and it was sincere, though it might be their last conversation for she didn't know if Jungkook would accept her again.

Once she reached the apartment, she paid the taxi driver and inclined her head. Before she could climb out of the car, the driver called her.

"Miss, I don't know what and why you're leaving that person but I'm wishing you all happiness this world could give," the driver said with a smile. Looking at Tae Hee reminded him of his daughter and somehow he felt sorry for whatever Tae Hee was going through; he could see it from the glint on her eyes that she's having a hard time.

"Thanks." If it was her father, Tae Hee would have already hugged him tightly and cried on his chest. Her father would caress her hair and tell her that everything is going to be fine. Tears almost stung her eyes and she quickly hopped out of the car before the driver could see it.

She was grateful that the passcode was still the same. Tae Hee wasted no time and headed towards the bedroom to find her jumper.

Unfortunately, she couldn't remember where exactly she kept that jumper and it doesn't help that there's a lot of drawers inside the walk-in closet. She opened the drawer one by one and to her luck she found it under a pile of folded t-shirts - the maid probably missed it since it was hidden at the bottom.

Tae Hee folded it again so that she can cram it inside her small satchel bag that she brought along. Her movements were halted when she heard the sound of someone entering the passcode of the front door.

Masquerade // Jeon JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now