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Tae Hee's forehead was prickling with sweats and she could hear the sound of her heartbeat in her ears. Jungkook's hand that was touching her skin felt warm and despite the war that she was having inside her mind, her heart was longing to feel his arms encircle her, to say here forever locked in his embrace and tell him how much she loves him.

But she can't and she won't dare to risk Jungkook's future for her.

Reluctantly, she pulled her arm free from his grip. Tae Hee could feel her pulse quicken when her eyes met his - it glinted with confusion and hurt. With an effort, she slowed her breathing so that her face might not betray her.

Just when she found the courage to speak, the sound of heels clacking that echoes through the basement peel her eyes away from Jungkook.

"Oh my, what a spectacular view here." Mina sauntered towards them and her long silky hair swayed as she took each step forward.

Jungkook glanced towards Mina and again he couldn't hide his shock at how similar both women. He was speechless to the point his body froze on spot. So it is true that they're twins? If not how can they look so similar to each other?

"She's not my twin though we have the same features," Mina said as if she can read his mind. "Should we all sit down and have a nice chat while we sip some Burgundy wine?" she smirked at Tae Hee.

"Mina, enough," Seonghwa interrupted.

"It's okay," Tae Hee finally said. "My job here is done. I should go." She didn't dare to meet Jungkook's eyes as she turned around and headed towards Seonghwa's car. With every step she took, her heart felt pained as if someone was stabbing it with a dagger.

She quickened her pace when she was no longer able to hold her tears from falling on her cheek. She didn't want Jungkook to see her in that state, not when she already hurt him.

Jungkook wanted to chase her and shoot her with questions that were hanging inside his mind right now but his feet couldn't take a step forward as if it were glued to the ground. He just stood there and watched her leave with Seonghwa.

The situation felt surreal to him.

"Are you in this too?" Jungkook asked, breaking the deafening silence between both of them.

"I'm the innocent one. I didn't know I had an impostor until I woke up from my comma. It's never my idea to begin with. I'm just doing my part in a play that has begun."

"A play?" Jungkook casted a look at Mina. "Are you joking with me?" he scoffed. An anger surged inside him and he started to feel betrayed for everything that had happened. Was her love part of the play then? Am I unconsciously playing a part in their so-called play?

"Whether you think I am joking with you or not is none of my concern. This marriage must happen whatever it takes," Mina replied.

Jungkook laughed. He no longer knew whether he could trust whatever was fed to his ears and eyes; everything was too surreal to be true. If they were not twins, what are they? A clone? Doppelganger?

"What if I don't want to be in this play anymore?" he scoffed.

"Then you will pay for the price but I doubt you would do so. Didn't you want to prove to your father that you're more than just a son of his mistress? Isn't that the reason you agree to marry me in the first place?" Mina smirked.

Jungkook's eyes widened at her knowledge about his birth. Mina cut in before Jungkook could retort. "Both you and I will get what we want from this marriage. Think about your years of hard work. You wouldn't want it to go to waste for someone who betrayed you, right?" she smirked and tapped his shoulder lightly before she left Jungkook speechless on his spot.

Masquerade // Jeon JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now