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The bright morning light shone through the huge glass, alerting the occupant of the room that it was a start of a new day.

However, to Jungkook, he can't seem to bother how bright the sun shone upon the earth or how dark the night sky is. What matters was the documents that were piling on top of his Scandanavian style office desk.

It had been almost 2 days and he hadn't stepped out of his office room ever since he rushed there after he got an emergency call from his secretary. The project that he had been working on seems to show no sign of positive progression and one of the buyers backed out on last minute.

He was dead worried because it was his huge project; the project that can prove to his father that he's worthy of the CEO position.

Jungkook wanted to prove to him that he's not the young and reckless boy that his father always thought anymore.

The lad wanted to prove to Mrs. Jeon that even if he's the son of a mistress, he can be the son that they can be proud of.

A sigh left his lips as he pinched the bridge of his nose. Jungkook unbuttoned the first three buttons of his shirt and leaned back on his chair. He had been working overnight and it seems to dawn upon him that he needs a rest. Jungkook made a quick phone call to his secretary and told him to not let anyone enter the room until noon.

He went into a small room that was built inside his office for him to take a rest if he's working overnight in the office. Jungkook laid on the soft mattress and let out a groan.

"This feels so nice." He was suddenly reminded of Tae Hee. He didn't contact her yet after their last date. "Is she going to be upset with me?"

Jungkook reached for his phone and dialled her number. His forehead creased when she didn't answer the call and it went to voicemail. "Is she still sleeping? Maybe she is. I'll call her again later." He shrugged and decided to continue his much needed sleep.


"Mr. Jeon."

The voice of his secretary woke Jungkook up from his slumber. He frowned while his eyes still closed. "Is it noon already?" he asked with obvious annoyance in his tone.

"It's past noon and..."

"What?!" Jungkook shot his eyes open and sat up straight as he looked at the digital clock on the bedside table - it was 2pm. "Why don't you wake me up!"

"I did but you told me to give you an hour. I did twice..." his secretary said as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Oh and..." Before he could finish his words, Jungkook already jumped out of the bed and marched towards the door.

"Mr. Jeon, your fiance is waiting for you outside." It was too late, Jungkook already twisted the doorknob and pulled the door open. He was greeted by Mina who was sitting leisurely on one of the sofas in his office.

"Oh, you're awake," she said with a smile. Mina uncrossed his legs and stood up before she went towards Jungkook and threw him a hug. The lad was perplexed by her action but he still returned the hug.

He should feel happy that she came to his office but why did he feel different? Her perfume smells different. Did she change her perfume?

Mina loosened the hug and looked at Jungkook before she planted a chaste kiss on his lips. "I came here during lunch hour but you were sleeping. I didn't want to disturb you so I waited here," she said as took a seat on the sofa.

"I didn't get any sleep last night."

"What's wrong? Is your work not going well?" she asked.

"Sort of."

Masquerade // Jeon JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now