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Love really did wonders to Tae Hee's life. Ever since that love confession with Jungkook, she smiles a lot more than before and her every day felt like a blessing. It never come across her mind  that there will be a day where she would be smiling from the moment she wakes up in the morning.

"Look at that smile," Jihyo chuckled while she helped Tae Hee to curl her hair. She was happy to see her friend smiling genuinely for the first time. It was as if the new her just emerged. 

"Stop teasing me!" Tae Hee blushed when she was caught smiling at the thought of having another date with Jungkook today. It had been about 2 weeks since they officially date each other - the time they spent in those weeks were like heaven on earth for them.

Jihyo hugged her friend from back and said, "I am so happy for you, Tae. I hope that I can see that smile forever. You deserve to be happy, my friend."

Tae Hee's lips quirked up  into a smile. "Thanks, Jihyo. I didn't know what I would be if you're not here to support me."

"I know right," Jihyo teased her.

Tae Hee rolled her eyes and they both laughed. It ceased when they heard the doorbell. "He's here!" Tae Hee exclaimed. She hurried to the door to open it. 

Her smile grew wider when she saw Jungkook was standing in front of her door. "Are you ready?" he asked.


Tae Hee's jaw dropped when they reached the ice rink that Jungkook had been pleading her to go. "Did you rent the place?" Her eyes browsed around the place and she couldn't see any sign of people except the workers.

"You told me you didn't know how to skate. I will teach you and you don't have to worry if someone sees you and laughs when you fall."

"Well..." Tae Hee scratched her head. "You didn't have to rent the whole place for me," she muttered shyly. "Sorry if it bothers you."

Jungkook chuckled. "Hey, don't worry. Seokjin owns this rink so it's not that hard to rent it. You just need to compliment him as the most handsome guy and he will instantly consider that as a payment for the rent."

Tae Hee snorted. "He's indeed a handsome guy." But you're the most handsome for me.

"Pardon?" Jungkook bent down to meet her eyes. "Did you just compliment another guy in front of your fiance? Am I hearing it right?" He folded his hands and tilted his head to the side. Jungkook stepped forward, causing Tae Hee to move backwards until her back met the wall behind her.

He trapped Tae Hee by placing both his hands on the wall beside her. "Can I hear it again?" He smirked. "Is Seokjin more handsome than me?" His lips were dangerously a few inches from hers.

Tae Hee laughed nervously when their eyes met. "I didn't say such a thing."

"Really? I think I heard you say Seokjin is the most handsome guy I've seen," he teased and mimicked her voice.

"Uh, I think the worker can see us."

"Let them see." His smirk grew wider. "Maybe we should show them how deeply in love we are."

Tae Hee almost cringed at his words. So he wanted to play, huh? Her lips tugged into a smirk. "Should we?" She snaked her hands around his waist and pulled him closer. Her right hand travelled up to her chest then shoulder.

Jungkook gulped at her sudden boldness but he tried to control his composure. 

She leaned closer, closing the distance between their lips but sneaky enough to lean towards his ear and whispered, "I'm just joking." She knew Jungkook would think that she would kiss him - although she was tempting to do so, she would not let it easy today.

Masquerade // Jeon JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now