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Jihyo's peal of laughter filled the living room as soon as she heard Tae Hee's story. She clutched on her stomach while laughing hard. "Are you telling me he saw your ugly morning face?" she said in between her laugh.

"Can you not laugh?" Tae Hee huffed in frustration. She rolled her eyes when Jihyo won't stop laughing and munched her butter biscuit.

"Sorry, it's too funny. Oh God, my stomach hurts from laughing too much." Jihyo wiped the tears that threatened to fall. "How did you guys end up sleeping together?"

Tae Hee sighed. "It's frustrating that I can't clearly remember what happened that night. Jungkook told me I won't let his hand go so he got no choice but to sleep beside me and I was too drunk. I can't believe that I downed three cans of beer before I blackout. I shouldn't drink in the first place. It's embarrassing!"

"It's not that bad. At least you slept together with him." Jihyo wriggled her eyebrows.

"Cut the nonsense!" Tae Hee threw a pillow to Jihyo but the latter caught it and let another laugh.

"Look at you, being all shy. Your face is getting red." Jihyo pinched Tae Hee's cheeks. "My friend is so cute! You got yourself two hot guys, huh? Did you save a king in your previous life?"

Tae Hee cocked her brow as she couldn't get what Jihyo was blabbering about.

"Don't play dumb, Yoon Tae Hee. Seonghwa and Jungkook are head over heels on you and I bet my life on it." Jihyo chuckled.

"Nonsense. Why would they like me? I'm pretty sure they're just being nice since they're good people."

Inside, Tae Hee's not sure herself. Their actions were confusing and she didn't know if they're just being nice towards her or there's more to it. She's not an expert about feelings especially when it comes to love. What's worse is, she didn't know who she loves. Her heart seems to be playing a game with her and she's yet to find the answer - or maybe she did have the answer but she just hasn't realised it yet.

Tae Hee envied Jihyo since she's a straightforward person. If she thinks she likes that person, she will go ahead and confess. Unlike Tae Hee, she rarely has that 'what if' moment - she's more to a risk-taking person. Jihyo had been through a lot of breakups and Tae Hee was amazed that she was still willing to start another new relationship; her new boyfriend is now Jimin.

"Aren't you afraid of another breakup?" Tae Hee asked.

"Of course I do," Jihyo answered. "But you see, I wouldn't know if he's the right guy for me if I didn't try. It hurts, of course. It really hurts but you will learn something from it and become much stronger. It's better to try than regretting it later," she continued.

"What if I didn't know what exactly I'm feeling right now?"

"Then you better figure it out quickly before someone snatches him." Jihyo grinned and patted Tae Hee's back.


Jungkook's mood had been good after that night. He can't stop thinking about how cute and funny Tae Hee's reaction was when she was caught staring at him. It made him smile all day. They spent the morning together - he cooked breakfast for her - before he headed out for a meeting. If only he doesn't have a meeting that day, he might take a leave and spend the day with her.

"I wonder if her leg is getting better. Seems like it heals pretty quick," Jungkook muttered. He stretched his hand and inhaled the fresh autumn air.

"Busan...I never thought that this place is actually beautiful."

Jungkook was told by his butler that he was born in Busan before his father brought him back to Seoul. He knew as well that his father didn't change his birth date on his birth certificate. He knew that his butler knew who his biological mother was but Jungkook didn't feel like asking him. After all, why should he ask about the woman that abandoned him since he was a baby?

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