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Tae Hee stretched out her hands above her head before she checked the time on her watch. It's already noon and people started to make their way to their favourite eating place to fill their grumbling stomach. Tae Hee told her two friends that she's going to eat by herself today – although both Jia and Eunji were reluctant to let her eat by herself, they agreed.

"Here you go, miss," said one of the worker at the cafeteria as she handed Tae Hee a bag filled with sandwiches and a cup of hot Americano. Tae Hee thanked her before she headed towards the rooftop of the building. She needed some fresh air after she had locked herself in her office since morning.

Upon reaching the rooftop, Tae Hee spotted a familiar figure leaning against the metal railing. His gaze fixed on the scenery of the busy city outstretched in front of him. A smile made its way on Tae Hee's face as she sauntered towards the man.

"Seonghwa!" Tae Hee tapped his shoulder, causing the man to jumped a bit.

"Yoon-" Seonghwa paused for a second as he almost says her name out loud. He looked around to make sure no one hear him and back to Tae Hee. "You almost give me a heart attack!" Seonghwa flicked her forehead.

"Ouch!" Tae Hee pouted while rubbing her forehead. She complained about how mean he is.

"I almost say your name, idiot!" Seonghwa rolled his eyes.

Tae Hee looked around them and saw a few people were enjoying their lunch while chatting with their colleagues. "They can't hear us. This area is big." She shrugged and took out her sandwiches as she leaned against the railing besides Seonghwa. "Do you want some?"

"No thank you."

"Good, I don't have to share my sandwiches with you." She munched her tuna sandwiches.

Seonghwa looked at her and shook his head a little. He saw that she bought two sandwiches. "You sure do eat a lot, don't you?"

"I have an immense love for food. Honestly, who don't love food?" She continued on eating her sandwiches and in less than 10 minutes, it's gone completely. "The sandwiches were super delicious! I should buy them again."

The cold autumn wind brushed against them as both Tae Hee and Seonghwa enjoyed the view. Seonghwa sipped on his hot chocolate and queried. "Do you have any plan for the weekend?"

"Oh My God, Park Seonghwa! You wouldn't believe me but I'm going to meet Rowoon this weekend!" Tae Hee squealed as she was reminded of her weekend plan.

"Who?" Seonghwa quirked his eyebrow. "Do you get yourself a boyfriend now? That was fast," he chuckled.

"I wish he is but no, he's my favourite actor! Jungkook got two tickets for Rowoon's new movie premiere! Can't you believe it that the director is Jungkook's friend?" she exclaimed. "Rich people are surely on another level."

"So you're going on a date with Jungkook this weekend?"

"I don't know if I should call it a date. Jungkook told me he got the ticket for free and I think he doesn't know who to go with."

Seonghwa chuckled. "In another word, he's asking you to go on a date with him."

"You think so?" A blush started to creep on her face. Did he ask me to go on a date with him? She bit her lower lip to suppress herself from smiling so that she wouldn't embarrass herself in front of Seonghwa like she did in front of Jia and Eunji a few days ago.

"Be careful," Seonghwa warned her. "Don't fall in love with him. You don't want to hurt yourself in future."

His words brought her back to sad reality. He's right. Don't fall in love with him, Tae Hee. A sighed passed through her glossy lips. Tae Hee almost let herself fall into the trap that she'd been avoiding since she agreed to the contract.

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