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"Let's go to Hongdae Street."

Although Tae Hee was a bit surprised at his sudden request, she still agreed. That's how they ended up walking side by side at the crowded street of Hongdae. It was already 10 o'clock in the night but the street was still bustling with mostly young people and it doesn't seem like the crowd will die soon.

A row of shops lining at each side of the street selling clothes, accessories, makeups and more. Loud music can be heard as there were few street performances – there were a few groups of people dancing and busking along the street. Tae Hee went here a few times before with Jihyo because the latter likes to shop while enjoying the street performances.

"Do you like going to Hongdae?" Tae Hee glanced up at Jungkook.

"Yeah. Sometimes I go here and watch the performances," he answered.

Suddenly someone bumped into Tae Hee causing her to almost stumble forward but Jungkook quickly grabbed her by her waist. He glared at the perpetrator but that person already got swallowed by the crowd. "Are you okay?"

"Ye – yeah," she stuttered and her face started to heated. Her heart thumped faster at the proximity between them. Jungkook released his grip on her waist and his hand went down to grab her hand instead, interlacing their fingers. Tae Hee looked up at him, bewildered by his sudden action.

Jungkook brought up their hands and said, "So that you won't get lost in the crowd or fall," he smiled. It caused her heart to beat faster than the speed of lightning and at the same time, she could feel butterflies formed in her stomach. Jungkook lightly tugged her to his side and both of them walked together.

As they were walking along the street, Tae Hee saw an ice cream parlour and her face lit up. "Let's get that ice cream!" She pulled Jungkook with him without waiting for his answer. "What flavour do you like? It's my treat," she asked excitedly and her eyes gleamed.

Jungkook laughed at her childishness. "I take Green Tea."

A few minutes later, the man at the parlour handed them two cones of ice cream. "You like Chocolate?" Jungkook queried as he took his Green Tea ice cream and Tae Hee took her Chocolate ice cream. "Chocolate is the best flavour!" she answered gleefully. She didn't waste her time and licked the ice cream. She smiled happily at the sweetness of the ice cream that melted inside her mouth.

Jungkook watched her and a smile crept on his face. She was enjoying her ice cream a bit too much that she got a bit of it at the corner of her mouth. "You eat like a toddler," he chuckled and wiped the corner of her mouth with his thumb.

Tae Hee didn't expect him to wipe it for her and again her heart beat faster for the umpteenth time today. "Thank you."

Her thank was met with a peal of laughter from Jungkook. Her forehead creased as she couldn't register the sudden laughter coming from him. "What's with the laugh?" She had a sudden urge to check the corner of her mouth. She wiped it and only to find out that Jungkook had smeared more ice cream onto it instead of wiping it off.

"Jeon Jungkook!" she hissed. Tae Hee tried to smear some of her ice creams onto his face but Jungkook was faster as he skipped backwards from her and craned his neck so that she can't reach his face. An idea came into her mind as an evil smirk made its way onto her face. Tae Hee pulled Jungkook's necktie causing him to jerk towards her.

Jungkook's mouth was slightly ajar and his eyes widened at how closed their faces were – if he moved his face closer to her their lips will touch. He froze and his heart started to pound against his ribcage. Their gazes met and he felt like he's lost in them. Jungkook's eyes travelled down to her glossy lips and he gulped at the thought of how soft it is if he were to kiss them. He was brought back in a trance when he felt a soft cold cream touched his left cheek followed by a giggle.

Masquerade // Jeon JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now