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The lines of glares that shot for Tae Hee eyelids awaked her. The sunlight kissed her skin, giving it a glow as she blinked her eyes opened. A sudden wave of headache and nausea hit her. Her brain felt like it's going to expand and soon explode.

Tae Hee was about to sit upright on the bed when she felt a hand resting on her waist. They were so close that she could feel his breath hitting her neck. She looked down on her body to check whether she's wearing any clothes and to her relief she did.

Slowly, Tae Hee lifted the man's hand and she peeked over her shoulder to look at his face. Tae Hee gasped and her eyes were as big as a saucer when she saw Jungkook was sleeping beside her. Jungkook was already awake but he pretended to sleep when Tae Hee woke up.

Tae Hee was too surprised that her body automatically jerked away from him, causing her to lost her balance but Jungkook was fast. He quickly caught Tae Hee by her waist and pulled her towards the bed. Jungkook was now hovering over her with one of his hand wrapped around her waist and the other propped beside her.

No words were spoken as they stared into each other's eyes. Jungkook took the chance to study her face. Her almond-shaped eyes that were staring at him are dark brown and she has long lashes. Her rounded face, slightly lighter than ivory with rose coloured tinted cheeks and thin lips.

He was snapped out of his train of thoughts when Tae Hee suddenly pushed him away and she dashed towards the bathroom that was connected to the room they were in. Jungkook heard the sound of retching coming from the bathroom.

After a few minutes, Tae Hee flushed the toilet bowl and came out of the bathroom with messy hair. She shuffled towards the bed and sat at the edge of it.

"Are you okay?" Jungkook asked.

Tae Hee lightly nodded. "How did I end up here?" she asked with a weak voice, failing to remember what happened to her after Jihyo left her at the bar.

"You got drunk and I brought you here," Jungkook answered.

Tae Hee glanced over her shoulder to look at Jungkook who was leaning against the headboard. She bit her lower lips as she tried to arrange her words. "Umm, did we-" she paused. Her face was heated.

Jungkook chuckled. "No, we didn't do anything. You refused to let my hand go so I got no choice but to sleep beside you."

"Oh." She turned away from him as she was embarrassed by it. That's the reason you shouldn't get yourself drunk, Tae Hee! She rubbed her temples as her headache came attacking her again.

"Jeon Jungkook, come down and-" Taehyung barged into the room, causing the poor girl to jump a bit. The impact made her nausea clawed at her throat. Tae Hee waste no time as rushed towards the bathroom again – accidentally hitting Taehyung's shoulder – and threw out everything that came out from her stomach. "Uh, sorry." Taehyung scratched his nape.

Jungkook shot a glare at Taehyung. "You should knock the door first! You're scaring her!" He climbed out of the bed and went straight to the bathroom to check on Tae Hee.


All eyes are on Tae Hee when she entered the kitchen with Jungkook. Hoseok who was munching his apple instantly dropped it and rubbed his eyes to check if he's not seeing things.

"Did you guys sleep together?" Hoseok pointed from Jungkook to Tae Hee.

"Yeah," Jungkook answered nonchalantly as he dawdled towards the kitchen counter. He opened the cupboard above the counter and searched for Chamomile tea. "Jimin, do you have any Chamomile tea?"

"It's on the second shelve, behind the coffee beans jar," Jimin answered.

Jungkook took out a teabag from the Chamomile tea box before he dropped it into a mug. He poured over hot water and handed it to Tae Hee who stood still at the kitchen entrance. "Have a seat. Don't bother about them." Jungkook placed his hand behind the small of her back and pushed her gently towards one of the empty stool beside Seokjin.

Masquerade // Jeon JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now