Bad ; One

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I had just finished my homework when my mom had called me down for dinner. "Hey mom," I smiled at her taking a seat at the dinner table.

"Hey honey," she smiled. "How are you?"

"Oh I'm fine," I smile. "Where's dad at?"

I was always like this. I was always respectful to my parents, my siblings, and just everybody in general. It made me feel good to treat people treat like that. I can never be rude to anybody, I am just too nice. If I ever was rude to anybody, I would tear myself up about it. I would apologize multiple times. It's just how I was raised.

"Oh," she sighed, "he had to stay late. He said something about an emergency surgery."

You see, my dad is a surgeon so he always has to stay late and go on business trips. It's cool though, I'm used to it by now. I miss him all the time, yeah, but that's his passion and I accept it and understand completely.

"So what'd you do in school today?" She asked, taking a sip of her tea. "Did you learn anything fun?"

In my family, learning is fun for us. We all like to learn and go to school it's just something we like to do. "I took a lot of tests today," I sighed, eating my mashed potatoes. "It was pretty easy but it was so boring afterwards. I forgot my book at the house so I couldn't read, I had to sleep when I was done."

"Do you think you passed them"

I shrugged, "I mean yeah, they were easy for me."

We spent the rest of dinner talking about how our day went and such. After I cleaned up the dishes from dinner, I headed upstairs to my room.

I was in bed watching TV when my phone started ringing. The caller ID read 'Dad'. I quickly answered it. "Hello?"

"Hey honey," he said through the phone. "I'm so sorry I couldn't make it to dinner, I had to work late. But anyways, I was just calling to say goodnight because I don't I'll be home anytime soon. We just got a patient who was in a bad car crash that needs surgery."

"Goodnight dad," I smile even though he can't see me. "I love you."

"I love you too." then the line went dead. I lied back down and fell asleep within a few minutes. Boy, was I tired.

|| next day ||

"Cher, you are needed in the office," Mrs. Watson said hanging up the phone. I stood from my seat and gathered up all my things. I wasn't nervous at all because I knew I haven't done anything bad or anything that'd get me in trouble.

"Ah come in," principal Robertson called from his office as I approached the open door. I walked into see Jack Gilinsky sitting there? What is he doing here? I took a seat at the empty chair in front of his desk. "So you are probably wondering why you are in here with Jack. Well you see Jack is having trouble with his grades and he is failing miserably in all his classes, so I decided that he needs a tutor."

I nod my head for him to continue.

"So I was wondering if you would be his tutor?"

Really? I didn't want to help him because he is a poopy head. (lmao she doesn't cuss.) But I have to help him, I don't want anybody failing school. I have to be the good person here and help him out, it doesn't matter what he has done in the past. I need to help him out.

"Yeah that's fine, I guess," I shrugged and looked over at Jack.

Principal Robertson smiled and looked at Jack. "Jack, this is your new tutor, Cher."

Jack looked over at me and gave me a weird face. How rude. "Alright," he huffed. "Who's house? Mine or yours?"

"It doesn't matter," I shrug. I wanted to say my house because that's where I am most comfortable at but it's not about me, it's about helping Jack get his grades up.

"Okay," he sighed. "My house it is then."

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