Bad ; Twenty-Nine

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Song : Infinity by One Direction ( Y'all should really listen to this, it's amazing! )


"Cher!" I heard my mother yell from downstairs. "Alexandra and your aunt are here!"

I groaned and placed my phone down on my bed before I went down the stairs. Why is my dumbass cousin here? She is crazy as hell.

Last year, we had a party for my sister and she decided that she wanted to go skinny dipping in the pool. It's not just that she did it in front of her friends or whatever, she did it in front of children and our family. Including our grandma. Who even does that?

There were these guys that were there that weren't family but oh my Lord, this bitch needs Jesus. And as soon as possible.

I walked into the living room where everyone was seated. "Oh Cher, you have grown so much since the last time I saw you!" my aunt, Genesis, exclaimed and pulled me in for a hug. "I see that you wear makeup now, oh my God, you look so beautiful!"

"Thank you," I smiled and hugged her back.

I actually don't have a problem with my aunt, it's her crazy ass daughter that I have a serious problem with. I love my Aunt Genesis with all my heart, she's amazing. How can someone so great raise someone like Alexandra?

"So, you're probably wondering why they are here," my dad sighed. "Well, uh, your cousin has been introduced to the same things as you; drugs and stoners. So, today, we are here to help the both of you."

She's barely getting introduced to drugs? I always thought she was on drugs, yikes.

I laughed lightly. "Like an intervention? Ha, fuck that. I don't need help and Jack is not a stoner for the millionth time!"

"Neither is Nate," Alexandra added. "He is actually a very good person if you just sit down and talk to him."

My aunt Genisis sighed. "These boys might be good people but they do drugs! Drugs are not good for you! I think it's pretty obvious that you kids didn't listen in school when they gave the talk about drugs and how they are bad for you."

"We totally understand that you girls are changing and you are wanting to try new things but drugs and sex are a big no no!" my mom exclaimed. "Both of those things are dangerous at this age; hell, drugs are dangerous period. Sex leads to pregnancy. Drugs lead to death."

I rolled my eyes. "You were pregnant as a teenager, though," I explained. "In fact, you were on fifteen when you got pregnant with your first child. I am not fifteen and who even said that I was having sex anyways?"

"We read your diary," my dad sighed. "It was all in there. Everything. We know about how you and Jack get high and.... you know, do it. We know about how you two did it in the car. We also know how you two tried 69. Just, ugh, everything was in there."

I widened my eyes at his statement. "That is a total invasion of privacy! Oh my God, that has all my personal thoughts in there! You people are insane!"

"Alexandra, I know about your little adventures with Nate, too," Aunt Genisis sighed. "I am honestly so disappointed in both of you! You guys were supposed to wait until marriage to have sex."

There goes Aunt Genisis and her damn christianity. "If I wait until marriage, how will I know if they are good in bed?" Alexandra asked. "And if it's big or not. If I did that, I'd be married and I'd be recieving bad sex from a man with a little dick. What the heck, mom?"

"Watch your language!" Aunt Genisis gasped. "You have had a big potty mouth lately and I hate it. Do you think that Jesus would approve of your language?"

Alexandra rolled her eyes. "I. Don't. Give. A. Fuck."

When she said that, I bust out into a fit of laughter

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When she said that, I bust out into a fit of laughter. I was just sitting down on the floor laughing at a very innapropriate time. The room was completely silent except for my windex bottle laugh. It wasn't even that funny but here I am, laughing like a mad man.

That's what happens when you grow up goofy.

"Sorry," I breathed out, trying to contain my laughter. "Keep going, I'm sorry."

I tried very hard to stop laughing but that just resulted in me laughing more. I probably laughed for a good two minutes before I calmed down. "Alright, alright, alright. I'm sorry, you can continue."

"We are very worried about you two," Aunt Genesis explained. "We are not doing this to judge you girls, we are doing this to help you. I would like both of you girls to join me at church on Sunday. It'll be very good for you two and hopefully it'll open your eyes. You can get closer to Jesus this way. And maybe, we can continue going and you can ask forgiveness for your sins."

I tried to keep my laughter in but I couldn't. "I'm sorry but I'm not going to church. That's not my type of thing, I'm sorry."

"Cher!" my mom scolded. "That is very rude and disrespectful. It is not funny! Since you were so rude, you are going to church. End of discussion."

I do not mean to offend anybody with the whole christian and church thing! I am a christian and I do go to church every Sunday!

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