Bad ; Thirteen

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Wow, Jack wasn't lying, it was a really big turnout tonight. There was people surrounded everywhere, it was like a sardine can. Every one had to swerve through people to get where they wanted. It was absolutely insane.

"Want to go get a drink?" Jack asked with a small smile. I nodded my head and his hands found their way to my waist as I led us into the kitchen. After he poured us both drinks in two seperate cups, he handed me mine and took a sip of his. "Are you having fun?"

I nodded my head and took a sip of my drink as 'You Was Right' by Lil Uzi Vert sounded throughout the house, causing me to smile widely. "Oh my God, this is my song! I fucking love Uzi!"

Hit it from the back watch a n***a bless you
Crying in my arms like a n***a wrecked you

Ya alright, alright, alright
You was right I was wrong
Ya I should've never ever took her home
Ya I should've just boned
Ya fantasy on my phone
Ya hit it from the back watch a n***a bless you
Ya crying in my arms like a n***a wrecked you
Talking about a broken heart running to the restroom

I rapped along with the song that was playing with a wide smile on my face. "You're too adorable," Jack smiled as he pinched my cheek. "I am blessed. Truly, truly, blessed."

"Yo, y'all down to roll one with me and the guys?" Nate asked as he came up to us in the kitchen. "They're down in the basement right now."

I nodded my head and so did Jack. "Yeah, I'm down."

Cher's Mom || ( Ooh, what's this doing here? )

"Where is Cher at?" I asked, getting annoyed, looking down at my watch. "We have been here for almost two hours now. She should've been here hours ago, we don't live far from here."

Richard, my husband, shook his head and sighed. "I have a really big feeling that this was a set up. I don't think she'd care to apologize to us, to be honest. I can't believe we were stupid enough to fall for this."

"Maybe you're right," I sighed as I shook my head. "She has been acting really different lately and I hate that. She's changed so much in just a few weeks, imagine how much she'll change if her and Jack still hang out in the future. Our baby is changing for the worse."

Richard clenched his jaw. "Speaking of Jack, that's probably where she's at."

"You're right, lets go!" I exclaimed as I threw a twenty dollar bill on the table. I stood up from the table and we both walked outside of the restaurant.

We got inside the car and began driving back to our house. We're going there first to see if she maybe fell asleep.

We pulled into our driveway and I saw that Cher's car wasn't here. I got out of the car and walked into the house, going straight to Cher's bedroom. I saw her outfit that she was supposed to where tonight crumbled up on the floor in her bathroom.

I searched the rest of the house and let out a sigh of frustration. She's not here. "She's at Jack's house," I shook my head in frutration. I cannot believe this child, who does she think she is?

"Fucking Jack," Richard mumbled as we went back to the car. "I swear to God, I am going kill him."

He started driving off toward's Jack's house and a few minutes later, we pulled into his driveway to see a car that I'm assuming is his.

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