Bad ; Thirty-Five

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It's been about three weeks since I told my parents that Jack and I broke up. Now they let me go out with friends and I don't have a curfew anymore. I am totally playing them and they don't even know it.

I was sitting on the couch scrolling through my Instagram feed when my dad walked in the living room. "Let me see your phone," he demanded.

I sat there confused and asked, "why?"

"Because, if you want me to fully trust you, I am going to go through your phone once a week," he stated. "You better hand it over, Cher, I pay for that phone."

I began to panic. I couldn't delete my messages, he was standing right beside me so I did the only thing I could do, hand him my phone.

The entire time he was going through it, I was looking over his shoulder the whole time. The last thing he checked was my messages and when he clicked on the iMessage icon, I think I pissed my pants. He is going to kill me.

"What the fuck is this?" he yelled as he went through my messages with Jack. "I cannot believe you, Cher! No more phone!" he yelled, throwing it against the wall which caused it to shatter. "No more of anything! The only thing you will have in your room is your bed. No TV, no computer, nothing! You have been lying the entire time! How could you? You... You're a disaster! You are a disgrace to this family. That's it, we're moving. I don't care, I will get another job."

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