Bad ; Thirty-One

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Song : Song Cry by August Alsina


"I asked you to do one thing!" My mom screamed in my face. "One tiny thing! That was all I asked for but you couldn't even do that! She is four years old, Cher. What if your other cousin couldn't go and pick her up after you forgot about her because you were out the night before doing God knows what! Don't even tell me you were at your friends because you weren't. And then to top it all off, you didn't go to school!"

My dad sighed. "This is all Jack's fault, he is a bad influence on you. How many times do we have to tell you this? At first it was just your attitude that changed but now, I don't even know who you are anymore. The Cher that I knew a few months ago would have never smoked weed, been disrespectful, stay out past midnight, and she definitely would not have forgot to pick up her cousin from school. You have changed and not in a good way."

"You need a break from Jack," my mom stated. "It'll really be good you. You will not see or have any type of contact with Jack for the next two weeks. No phone. No sneaking out. No hanging out with friends and you must come straight home after school. No going to see Jack or anything like that."

I scoffed. "You can't do that! You are aware that Jack and I go to the exact same school, right? We do have some classes together. You might stop me from seeing him outside of school but you can't stop me from seeing him in school. This is so stupid. Ugh, I hate you guys!"

I stormed upstairs and into my bedroom. They can't do that, who do they think they are? I love Jack and there is nothing that anybody can say or do that'll make me change my mind.


"They did what?" Jack asked as I finished telling him what went down yesterday. "They can't do that, can they?"

"No, Jack, they can't," I replied. "They won't, either. I will find a way to see you outside of school, I promise, baby."

He sighed. "How exactly are you going to do that?"

"I have a plan," I smirked lightly. "Trust me, this will work. You'll just have to play along, alright?"

He nodded. "It better work, babe. But alright, I've got to go. Good luck on that plan of yours and I love you!"

she's a drama queen, lol

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