Bad ; Thirty-Four

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We got to the movies about twenty minutes later and it was absolutely packed. Well, of course it was, it's a Friday night and this is when all the new movies come out. Plus. this is where everybody goes to hang out after school.

"So what do you want to see?" Jack asked as we approached the ticket counter.

I shrugged. "I don't really care, anything is fine, to be honest."

He got two tickets to 'The Avengers: Age of Ultron' and we walked in the theaters.


"that was awesome," i smiled as we walked out of the theaters.  "ooh, can we watch unfriended? i haven't seen it yet and i want to."

"That was so awesome!" I exclaimed as I walked out of the movie room, hand-in-hand with Jack. "Ooh, can we watch Unfriended? I haven't seen that yet and I want to, it seems interesting."

Jack smiled and nodded his head. "Of course we can!"

We walked over the room that was showing the movie. The next showing was in a few minutes so we decided to just sit in there and wait. "I love you, Cher," Jack stated as he rested his head on my shoulder. "You're beautiful, do you know that?"

I blushed and kissed him on the top of the head. "I love you too, Jack. You're hot, do you know that?"


"Oh my God," I laughed lightly as I got in the front seat of Jack's car. "It's two in the morning, were we really here that long?"

Jack chuckled and shut his door. "I guess," he shrugged. "I think we saw almost every movie that was playing. That's good because I only payed twenty bucks."

Jack began driving when his phone buzzed in the cupholder. "Ah, can you check that? My passcode is 4620."

I picked up his phone and typed in the passcode. A bar popped up across the screen, showing a new message.

New iMessage from 'Skathan' : Ayee! Come ov....

I clicked on the bar and it took me to the full message.

[ Skathan ] : Ayee! Come over, bro. Sam, Johnson, and Nash are all here. We're throwing a party.

"It's Nate," I stated. "He said that you should come over and that all the guys were there. They're throwing a party."

"Oh, okay," he stated. He looked over at me briefly and smirked. "You know you can go through it, right? I know you're just dying to read my messages. It's fine babe, go for it. I ain't got nothing to hide."

I exited off of his and Nate's message and went through every single thing on his phone. His contacts, his messages, his pictures, all his social medias, and I found absolutely nothing. There was not one conversation where he was talking to or about another girl.

In fact, there was this one conversation he had with Taylor and Taylor had said something about how Jack should go out with him to get some 'bitches' and Jack replied with, "Nah, I have no intentions of cheating on my girl. I ain't like that, bro. You should know that by now."

"You see, I told you, I have nothing to hide. I'm all yours, babe, okay?"

I smiled. "Okay."

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