Bad ; Thirty-Three

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"Mom, I have a really important question to ask," I stated as I jumped onto the kitchen counter.

She looked up from whatever she was typing on her laptop. "Alright, what's up?"

"Is it okay if I go over to a friend's house for a little bit?" I asked. "We're going to watch movies and stuff."

She sighed. "I don't think that's a good idea, Cher."

"Why not?" I whined. "You said that I couldn't go out when I was with Jack but we are not together anymore, mom, and I never will be back with him!"

She shrugged. "Okay, you're right. I guess you can go, that's fine. I don't care."

"Oh and I might sleep over," I added.

"That's fine," she stated before she went back to typing.


"Hey, babe, so are you done with your little plan yet?" Jack asked with a small smile as I entered his house.

I nodded. "Yes, it completely worked. They both believed every single bit of it. It's amazing."

"What if she finds out that you were lying?" Jack asked nervously as we sat on the couch. "You know, like, what'll happen to you? They'd probably kill you and I don't want to lose another girlfriend to death."

I kind of cringed at the memory of him telling me about his past girlfriend and how he practically killed her. "They won't find out," I assured him. "Don't think of the negatives, think positive! They aren't even smart enough to figure it out, chill."

He sighed and kissed my cheek. "Okay, well, what do you want to do?"

"Lets watch a movie, like, lets go the the theaters and watch one!"

He smiled lightly. "Alright, lets go!"

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