Bad ; Eighteen

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"From what I hear, you and Jack are the closest out of everybody. Is that correct?" the judge asked as she fixed her glasses.

"Yes m-ma'am," I stuttered nervously. I never thought that I'd be on trial for anything. Ever. Even if it was something for someone us, I never thought I'd step foot into a court room for this reason. My friend could possibly go to jail so, yes, I am nervous as hell.

She arched her eyebrow and stared at me. "So that means you'd more than likely be the one who'd help cover for Jack."

I just sat there silently. How do I reply to that statement? If I try and argue against her accusation, it'd make me look guilty for covering for Jack, which isn't true. I have nothing to cover in this situation.

"Has Jack ever talked about wanting to kidnapping Cher? Or anyone for that matter?"

I let out a sigh. This judge is kind of retarted, he obviously did not kidnap Cher. Or anybody for that matter. "He's talked about Cher before, but never about kidnapping her or putting her life in danger."

"What does Jack say about Cher?"

I shrugged lightly. "Mostly that she's beautiful, she's cool to be around, stuff like that. Like I said, he doesn't say anything about wanting to put her in danger."

"Maybe Jack thought that she was so beautiful and that she was so cool to be around that he wanted her all for himself so he kidnapped her," the judge stated.

Is this lady even qualified to be a judge? Nothing she's saying even makes sense, all her suggestions aren't even logical. Why would Jack kidnap his own girlfriend?

I scoffed at her little suggestion. "That's crazy, if anybody knows Jack better than anybody else, it's me! I know for a fact that my best friend isn't capable of kidnapping someone! It's not his fault that Cher's parents are insane."

She glanced down at her wrist watch. "It's getting late, we'll continue this session tomorrow morning."

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