Bad ; Seventeen

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"Do you know how easy it is to fake text messages?" She asked once she was finished reading the text conversation. "It's very easy. There's something called photoshop or impersination."

I sighed and rubbed my eyes. I just wanted to go home and take a nap or something because this is tiring me out. She thinks everything I'm saying is a lie and I'm just tired.

"Is there anything else you'd like to add, Mr. Maloley?" She asked with her eyebrow arched.

"No ma'am," I shook my head with a sigh.

"Alright, then I'd like to call Samuel Wilkinson to the stand."


"I heard that you're apart of this little group of friends, is that correct?"

I nodded my head slightly. "Yes, that's right."

"Did you know anything about Jack wanting to kidnap Cher?" She asked with her eyebrow arched. "Or did you hear anything about it?"

I shook my head and ran my hand through my hair.

"Alright, well were you at the party with Jack and Cher?"

I sighed and nodded my head. "Yes, it was my party."

"What exactly happened that night, Mr. Wilkinson?"

I'm not going to lie, her calling me Mr. Wilkinson was such a turn on but now is not the time for my sexual thoughts. This is serious and it could land my friend in jail if I say the wrong thing.

"I honestly can't remember," I stated truthfully. "All I remember was that we took pictures but that's about it. I can't remember anything else."

She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "Pictures? Who has these pictures?"

"I have them." I stated.

"I'm assuming they're on your cell phone so may I see them?"

I pulled out my phone and handed it to the officer who then handed it to the judge. "Well, well, well. These sure are interesting, can you explain these pictures to me please?"

The judge pulled out some random chord from I don't even know where and plugged them into my phone. A few seconds later, they appeared on this big screen that was in the corner of the court room. Huh, I didn't even notice that.

"What exactly is happening here?"

It was a picture of Jack and Cher leaned up against the wall making out. "They were kissing and having a good time."

"I can see that but it looks like Jack was forcing her to kiss him from the way he has her pinned up against the wall. Is that what happened?"

"No, that is not what happened."

She furrowed her eyebrows together and started at me. "Then what did happen?" She raised her voice, scaring the shit out of me. "Why was Mr. Gilinsky pinning Ms. Ramirez to the wall in that matter? I'm just trying to figure out what happened! I'm getting paid either way so I could do this all night."

"Cher had a few drinks and she was, well, high. She just kept drinking and Jack had a lot to drink too. At first they were just kissing but then it escalated and got more, what's the word, intense. They started making out and, well, you know. Cher didn't mind, though. She was having a good time."

The judge shook her head and sighed. "Of course she was having a good time, she was drunk! She had no clue what she was doing. She probably didn't have a clue as to where she was either."

She flipped to the next picture and asked me to identify what was happening. "It was after the Amber Alert was sent out," I explained. "I didn't mean to take a picture of that but Jack wanted to get Cher home before her parents became more worried."

"But why was Jack pulling her arm? Huh?"

I shrugged. "I'm guessing because they were going through a big crowd and he didn't want to lose her."

"Alright, Mr. Wilkinson. Thank you. I'd like to call Jack Johnson to the stand."

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