Bad ; Fifteen

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Cher || 6 Days Later || EDITED

It has been six days since Jack got arrested and I'm missing him like crazy. I know everyone is blaming me for this, but they have every right to.

Everyone at school knows what happened and a lot of people believe that he actually did kidnap me while others believe he didn't. Either way, they're blaming me for him being in jail.

Tomorrow is the trial and I am extremely nervous. What if they actually believe he kidnapped me? He'd be sentenced seven to thirty years in prison for something he didn't even do!

This is really all my parents fault. They didn't even try to contact me to see where I was or if I was okay. They just automatically assumed that I was missing. Maybe if they actually tried texting or calling me, they would know that I was not kidnapped and I was safe.

I told them about how he invited me to a party and I accepted. I tried to explain that he didn't kidnap me but they weren't having it. They think that he told me to make that up or some shit if he was caught.

It seems like the only people who believe me is Johnson, Sammy, Swazz, Nate, Hayes, and Nash. They were all at the party and they were even there when Jack texted me about it. They said the judge would like to have them on stand to tell what they know since they're Jack's closest friends.

I haven't talked to my parents in six days and I'm honestly not planning to any time soon. They made my boyfriend go to jail over stupid shit. What kind of fucked up parent does that?

Daddy G

I have been here for six long days and it's been absolute hell, I miss Cher like crazy. They said that only family could visit for the first week so she couldn't visit and I doubt her parents would let her is she could.

My mom visited me today and she told me that everything was going to be okay and that we would get through this. I really hope she was right because I don't want to be charged with kidnap. Hopefully the judge believes what Sammy, Jack, Nate, Nash, Hayes, Swazz, and Cher say on the stand.

i have been here for 6 long days. it's been hell, i miss cher like crazy. they said that only family could visit the first week, so she couldn't visit. but today my mom visited instead. she told me that everything was going to be okay, and that we would get through this. i just really hope that i don't get charged with kidnap. hopefully they believe what sammy, nate, jack, and cher say on the stand.

"Lights out!" The police officer ordered and I groaned, turning out the light and laying down on the hard iron bed that I've grown used to these past few days. I saw him walk in front of my cell and stop. "You need to get some sleep, tomorrow is going to be a long day for you."

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