Bad ; Five

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Cher || EDITED

"Okay, okay" Johnson laughed. "Uhm, truth or dare?"

What is up with all these high school boys and plying truth or dare? I used to play this game when I was in third grade. I thought it was over with then but nope, here we have almost adults playing this childish game.

It was way past ten and I really should get going home but I was having way too much fun right now. I'm sure my mom would understand. I'll just tell her that Jack was having a really hard time understanding his work and I had to stay back and help. Who am I even becoming?

After three hours of playing this childish game with them, I finally grew the balls to say, "Dare."

"Alright, lets see," Johnson said, rubbing his chin like he was thinking about something, "I dare you to make out with Mr. Gilinsky for three minutes."

I obviously wasn't thinking straight because the next thing I knew, I smashed my lips into Jack's. He immediately reacted by kissing back and wrapping his arms around my waist.

While we were having our little make-out session, Johnson set a timer, and Sam took a picture, probably to post on Snapchat. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer to me. A few seconds later, the timer started going off and I pulled back while sitting back down in my spot.

We continued playing the game for God knows how long until Jack's mom came home and I decided it was time for me to go. It was around 2 am when I got to my house. Holy crap, my parents are going to be so mad at me.

I walked through the front door to be greeted by my parents sitting on the couch, obviously waiting for me. When my mom heard the door click closed, she stood up off the couch and glared at me. "There you are! Where were you, Cher? You said you'd be home at ten, it is two in the morning!"

"Do you even know how worried we were?" My dad yelled as he stood up off the couch as well. "I had to leave work early because your mother called and told me you weren't home yet. We worried sick about you, Cher. Where were you?"

"I told you guys, I was at Jack's house," I giggled, stumbling as I tried to make my way up the stairs. "He wasn't understanding his work so I had to stay back and help him get it. It's not that serious. I'm home now, aren't I?"

"Wait a minute, are you high right now?" My dad asked as he tried to examine my face.

Shit, busted.

"No," I lied giggling like a maniac. "I am not high right now."

"Cher, stop your lying this instant! I know you're high, your eyes are bloodshot red!" She yelled while looking me in the eyes. "I cannot even believe you right now."

"You are grounded," my dad growled. "You cannot see that Jack kid anymore! I will not allow it. From now on, you will go to school and come home right away. This is highly unnacceptable. I excepted better from you."

I let out a sigh and rubbed my hand through my hair. "Dad, you seem to forget that I am his tutor and I am supposed to see him. He needs my help."

My dad just shrugged his shoulders at my words. "It looks like he's going to have to get a new one because you are no longer allowed to see Jack Gilinsky."

"Fuck you guys," I scoffed and walked up the stairs with my parents staring at me wide-eyed.

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