Bad ; Twenty-Five

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Song : Deactivate if you don't know what song this is :) Thought I'd bring back some old old old One Direction music :)

Cher || One Week Later

"Cher, wake up! You're seriously going to be late!" my mom yelled at me as she opened the door to my bedroom. "I've been calling you for the past ten minutes!"

I rolled my eyes and got up from my bed. "Okay, damn. I'm up now, you can leave."

She let out a sigh as she left my room and closed the door. I quickly changed into some jeans and a white baseball t-shirt before I slipped on my white huraches. I'm going to be so late to school if I don't hurry up.


I was sitting at the counter on my phone when I felt someone breathing over my shoulder. I slowly turned around and saw my mother standing there with her eyebrow arched. "Um, can I help you?"

"Who are you texting?"

She's been like this for the past week ever since I came home at five o'clock in the morning high off my ass. It's seriously starting to piss me off, I can't get any privacy in this house and I hate it. "I'm texting Jack," I shrugged.

"You know the rules," she said sternly. "No texting Jack, remember? Give me your phone, Cher."

She reached over to grab my phone but I shook my head. "Not my Jack, I'm texting Jack Johnson."

She rolled her eyes. "Yeah, okay, sure. Whatever, hurry up before you miss the bus."


"Is your mom still mad at you?" Jack asked as he came up to me in the hallway.

I groaned and nodded. "Yes, she's still as pissed off as the day it happened. If not, she's even more mad, I don't understand why."

"Aw, I'm sorry, baby," he sighed and pulled me in for a hug. "It's all my fault."

I shook my head and gave him a small smile. "No it's not, it's my fault. I was the one who bought the drugs and did them, you didn't make me do anything. Don't blame yourself for something that honestly isn't your fault."

"I have an idea!" he exclaimed with a small smile.

I arched my eyebrow and stared up at him. He's so much taller than me and I hate it. "Okay, what's up?"

"You should invite me over for dinner, that why, you can prove to your parents that I am not as bad as they think I am."

I thought about his suggestion for a few seconds. "Okay, that sounds like a really good idea. But I'm going to have to text her to make sure it's okay first."

I pulled out my phone from my back pocket and clicked on my mom's contact.

[ Cher ] : Mom, I have a really important question to ask you :)

[ Mom ] : Why are you texting me in class little girl? But what's up?

[ Cher ] : I have a free period right now but can Jack please come over for dinner tonight?

[ Mom ] : Nope, that is not happening. You know how your father and I feel about him, Cher.

[ Cher ] : Why not? This is a great oppurtunity for you guys to see that Jack isn't the guy you think he is. You guys are constantly judging him when you don't even know him and he wants you guys to know that you can trust him with me.

[ Mom ] : You know, you are very very lucky that I love you because other wise, I would not being agreeing to this horrific idea. One mistake, though, and you two are done for good. Do you understand me?

I put my phone back in my pocket and smiled up at Jack. "She said yes!"

He smiled back at me. "Great, I'll see you at seven."


I'm listening to old One Direction music and it's puttin' me in my feels. Bro, I've been a fan of this band for 6 years and it totally fell apart. Not everything lasts forever, sadly.

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