Bad ; Seven

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Cher || EDITED

We were laying on his bed, making out, when we were interrupted by someone opening the door. I looked up and saw Johnson standing there with his eyes wide.

"I am so sorry," he gulped as he put his hands up in defense. "I did not mean to walk in on whatever you two were about to do."

"It's fine," Jack sighed and looked over at the blonde boy standing by the door frame. "What did you need?"

He scratched the back of his neck and looked at me. "Cher, I think your parents are here."

My eyes grew wide at the words that just left his lips. This cannot be happening right now. How did they know I was here? How do they know where Jack lives? This is insane, my parents are maniacs.

"I'm coming," I sighed, getting up off the bed.

I slowly walked down the stairs with the Jacks following close behind me. Once I got into the living room, I saw my parents standing there and they looked absolutely furious. Oops.

My dad grabbed a hold of my wrist and glared at me. "Come on, we are going home. Now," he practically growled as he pulled me outside the front door.

My dad opened the back door and practically threw me in the back seat. Rude ass. I rolled my eyes as he shut the door and putting my seatbealt on. I watched as my dad got in the front seat and put the keys in the ignition.

"Do you think this is funny?" My mom yelled as my dad pulled out of Jack's driveway. "Do you know how worried I was when I opened your door and you weren't in there? I thought something bad happened to you, Cher!"

I tried not to laugh and shook my head. "No, I don't think this is funny at all. Nothing bad even happened to me, though. So take a chill pill and stop being so uptight!"

"What the hell is your problem?" My dad yelled as he stopped at a red light. "You used to be so good, what changed?"

"She changed after she started hanging out with that no good Jack Gilinsky," my mom stated with a small scoff. "Why did none of those boys have shirts on?"

"And why the hell were you upstairs with Jack by yourself?" My dad glared at me as he pulled into our driveway and stopped the car.

I opened the car door and got out, walking to the front door of my house while my mom unlocked it. "We were studying," I lied with a shrug. "He needed help with his algebra."

"Whatever," my dad rolled his eyes as we got inside the house. "Go upstairs to your room and don't come out!"

I walked upstairs to my bedroom and locked the door behind me. I pulled out my phone and saw I had a few texts from the guys.

Jack : You aight?

Skate : Damn, that was some chill shit. Your parents were pissed bro.

Sammy Boy : What happened? Are you okay?

Johnson : Are you okay, Cher??

Me : I'm fine. I'll be over in, like, ten minutes to explain.

I put my phone in my back pocket and walked over to my window, opening it, and starting to quietly starting to climb out.

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