Bad ; Twelve

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Cher || EDITED

I planned this family dinner because I felt really bad about my behavior lately. I was acting like a total bitch to them and I feel awful. So I set up this family dinner so I could tell them how sorry I was.

Right now they were at my aunt's house, they texted me ten minutes ago saying they were on their way to the restuarant. So I started to get ready, since they'd be there in like two hours and the drive from here to the restuarant is like thirty minutes.

I was straightening my hair when my phone buzzed on the bathroom counter beside me. I put down the straightener and picked up my phone, seeing Jack's name on the screen.

[ Jack💙 ] : Hey babe, want to go to a party tonight at Sammy's?

[ Cher ] : Ah, I'd love to but I'm supposed to be going to this family dinner thing tonight. Maybe another time?

[ Jack💙 ] : Aw, can't you just skip it? I'm sure there'll be more family dinners you can attend. Plus, I heard this party is supposed to be really good and that there's also going to be a big turn out.

[ Cher ] : I mean, I guess you're right. I'm just going to get ready but I'll be over in, like, an hour or two.

I put my phone down and sighed. I actually couldn't hold another family dinner because after this, my parents would never forgive me.

I turned off the straightener and turned on the faucet, washing off all of my makeup. If I'm going to a party, I am not going to look like a Preacher's Daughter.

When I finished washing off my makeup, I reapplied it and picked out another outift.

I grabbed my keys off the kitchen counter and headed out the front door. This time, I could actually use the door because no one was home and there was no point of crawling out the window.

Jack texted me a few minutes ago and told me to meet him at his house and we could go to the party from there.

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