Bad ; Thirty

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Song : if you don't know this song, we can't be friends.


"I went to church yesterday and it was kind of boring," I laughed lightly. "I didn't understand anything about it. I felt so out of place."

"I've only been to church once," Jack stated. "I ditched after ten minutes and got high, though."

We were just sitting on Jack's couch, smoking a blunt. We were just talking about random things, some things that didn't even have anything to do with us. We were just relaxing with no worries.

"I should dye my hair a turquoise bluse," I stated as I laid my head on Jack's lap. "That would be totally awesome, right?"

Jack chuckled and looked down at me. "That was totally random, baby. But yeah, you should. I like that color, so yeah, go ahead."

"Do you know any place that is still open at three in the morning?" I asked as I ran my hand through my hair. "I want to dye my hair now because I probably won't get a chance to tomorrow since my parents are going to be against it."

He shrugged. "Walmart's open but can we please wait until the morning? I am in no condition to be driving and you're sleeping over, don't worry about your parents. We can do it in the morning."

I told my parents that I was sleeping over at one of my friend's house and they believed. Huh, they're so naive. "Fine," I sighed as he started to rub his hand through my hair.


I woke up with a massive headache. I didn't even drink, though? I yawned and turned over to see Jack passed out on the floor, how did he even get there?

I pulled out my phone and checked the time. 2:27 pm.

What's today? Monday. Holy crap, I totally forgot. We have school today! I was about to jump up off the couch and start to get ready but what's the point of going if there's only about thirty minutes left?

I got off the couch and bent down next to where Jack was sprawled out on the floor and shook him awake. "Baby, wake up!"

"What do you want?" he groaned. "Baby, it's too early. I don't want to wake up."

I shook him once more. "Babe, it's 2:30. Wake up."

He sighed and stood up while stretching. "Okay, okay, I'm out. Why was I on the floor?"

"I don't know," I shrugged, standing up and grabbing my phone off the couch. "Oh my God! I totally forgot but I have to pick up my cousin from school today!"

I don't know how I didn't see all the missed calls and texts when I was checking for the time. Oh my God, I am in so much trouble.

"What time do they get out?" Jack asked as he stood up off the floor.

"She got out at twelve! She's in pre-k!"

this girl is a hot mess.

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