Bad ; Eight

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Cher || EDITED

When I reached Jack's house, I saw another car that wasn't there before. I walked up to the door and decided to just walk in. When I walked in, I saw Johnson and a girl sucking each others faces off. The girl quickly got off and I noticed it was Miley, one of my best friends.

I ran up to her and hugged her. "How you been girl? she asked with a little laugh. "It's been a while."

Two Hours Later

I'm surprised my parents haven't showed up yet. They're probably sleeping or something, I don't know. Or maybe they haven't even noticed I was gone. Either way, I don't care. I am absolutely wasted right now and they are the last thing I am worried about.

When I left, Swazz and Nate went to the liquor store and bought a whole bunch of alcohol. It's good to have two people that are old enough to buy liquor legally.

"You know what we should do?" Miley stated as she downed another shot. This was her third one in, like, a minute.

I gulped down the beer that was in my cup before answering her question. "What?"

"We should get lip injections!" She exclaimed while laughing like a mad man. "It'd be great, our lips will be fuller and so much better. What do you say?"

I laughed at her suggestion and shrugged. "Sure, lets get lip injections."

"Lets go!" she said, pulling me off the couch with a wide smile on her face.

"Now?" I questioned with my eyebrows furrowed together.

She nods her head and laughs. "Yes now, come on!"

"Do you even know somebody that'll do it? It's almost three in the morning, Miley."

"Yes," she whines. "Now stop asking so many damn questions and lets just go!"

I sighed and followed her out the front door. "Wait, none of us should be driving."

"You're right," she slurs and nods her head, "lets get one of the boys to take us!"

She ran inside the house and I was left standing there. I cannot believe I'm actually going to do this. I never once thought that I'd ever get lip injections or change the way I look.

A few minutes later, she came back outside with all of the boys.

Miley and Johnson were in the front seat, while Jack, Nate, Sammy, Swazz, and I all squeezed into the back seat. A few minutes into the drive, Jack pulled me into his lap. I'm guessing to make room for everyone else? I could feel his hot breath on my neck as his arms were wrapped around my waist and I was leaning back on him.

About an hour later, we arrived at the place where we would get our injections done. Since she is very close to the guy, it doesn't cost a thing which I'm thankful for.

"This is my cousin," she said pointing to the guy with about a hundred tattoos. "He will be doing our injections."

"Who's first?" He asked looking between the both of us.

"I'll go," I shrugged.

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