
5.4K 65 2

As of right now, the sequel is up! It is called 'The Runaways' and I'm sorry if the intro is bad, it'll get better - I promise!

Also, thank you guys so much for your love and support on this story! As of August 4, 2016 this story has 128k reads and I am so thankful for that! You guys truly are amazing, thank you all for reading my story - even before it was edited.

It really means a lot, I like that I make you guys laugh. When I read through the comments, I like seeing that you guys laugh over what the character says or whatever happens in the story. I also like that you guys express your anger towards the character, I don't know why, maybe it's because we shared the same hatred towards them when they do dumb stuff, lol.

But thank you guys for sticking with me throughout this story - even when it was so terrible, I didn't space the chapters out right, the font was in italics which is ew. It was just a complete mess but you guys still stuck with me til the end!

Writing this story was so much fun for me. I started this one night because I was bored and I never thought that it'd be this successful. I remember I was happy when I reached 100 reads but look at me now.

I actually really loved writing this story and I hope you guys like it as much as I did.

- Natalie

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