Bad ; Twenty

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"How are you feeling about everything? It's been a few weeks, are you still hurt?" Johnson asked me as he took a sip from his water bottle. I'm actually really thankful for him because for the past few weeks, he's been chilling with me and making sure I was doing okay.

I shrugged lightly. "Eh, I'm doing alright. I still miss him like crazy but it's only a few more days until I get to see him again."

"I'm glad to see that you're doing good, I know this is hard on you but trust me, Gilinsky is having a hard time too."


"Pass it over," I demanded.

Nate passed me the blunt and I put it to my lips. "This ain't healthy, man. I know I smoke but I have to for stress relief. You've been going out every night and getting shit-faced. You're ruining your life, G."

"It's how I deal with my pain," I shrug and passed him the blunt. "I miss her like crazy, man. This is how I cope without her, weed and alcohol."

Sam sighed. "Dude, it's only a few more days. She's having a hard time too but she's not dealing with it like this. She's not going out every night, drinking alcohol and reaching cloud9. There's other ways to handle pain."

"You don't get it, Sam. When they said that I couldn't have contact with her for a whole month, I got angry. I know a month isn't that long for you guys and you might think that I am crazy but a month of not seeing someone you love is a long time."

Sam and Nate's eyes both widened at my words. "Woah, what? You said you love her! You love her?"

Ah, shit. I didn't mean to say that out loud but it's true, I love her so much. It's just something about her that makes me feel some type of way. She's my everything, man. "Yeah, bro, I love her."

"Then don't let it turn out like the last one," Nate sighed and took a sip of his water.

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