Bad ; Twenty-Seven

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Song : WILD by Troye Sivan


My dad barged into my room with his phone in his hands. "What the hell is this?" he yelled and pointed his phone screen at me. "Do you care to explain this to me?"

I looked at the screen and saw a picture of his car with the word 'Asshole' in red letters. "I know nothing about that," I stated blankly, "and the fact that you think I'd have something to do with that.... it really hurts."

"I know that you did this!" he yelled even louder than before. "You did it because you were mad about what I told Jack so you thought it'd be hilarious to go off and do this!"

I rolled my eyes slightly. He's already bothering me and he hasn't even been in here for a minute. "Uh, actually, I could care less about what you said to Jack because I know that none of it was true. The only reason you even said that is because your marriage is so fucked up that you don't want anyone else to be happy. How's what's her name? Is it Natasha? Yeah, that's it. How's Natasha doing? I'm pretty sure she was doing great last night, am I right?"

He stood there speechless for a few seconds before he glared at me. "You don't know anything about anything!" He yelled. "Don't even try to switch this around on me, I am the adult and you are the child."

I scoffed. "Oh, really? I know that I love Jack so much. So so much. Why can't you just let me be happy?"

"You don't know what love is!" he yelled as his nostrils flared. "You're too stupid and naive to see that Jack is playing you! You're just going to end up hurt but you're too dumb to realize that. You are still young, Cher, trust me, you don't know what love is."

"How dare you even say that?" I yelled back in anger. "Jack has never hurt me, dad! He might be 'bad' or whatever, but I know that he is not a bad person! He was taught to never disrespect a lady in any way possible. I have nothing to worry about. Clearly his parents raised him right unlike some people I know."

My dad shook his head in frustration. "Get out! Just get the hell out of my house, Cher."

Um, okay, he's never hurt you except that one time he actually did hurt you. Remember that? "Stop, Jack, you're hurting me!" 'Cause I remember it, lol.

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