Bad ; Eleven

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Cher || EDITED

"Okay," I laughed lightly, "what's up?"

"So, I was wondering if, uh," he scratched the back of his neck with his free hand, "would you like to be my girlriend?"

I smile at his question and nodded my head. "Of course."

It was cute how nervous he was about asking me to be his girlfriend. Over the past month, I have developed some serious serious feelings for Mr. Gilinsky, I just always thought he never felt the same way about me.

"That would have been highly embarrassing if you said no," he laughed and pulled me in for a hug.


"Dude, she said yes!" I exclaimed with a smile on my face. "Cher is officially my girlfriend and I'm, like, so happy."

"Oh, so you finally asked her?" Nate asked with a small chuckle. "I always knew you liked her, it was so obvious, man. But congratulations bro!"

Johnson smiled while nodding his head. "It's about time, Mr. Gilinsky. You finally grew some balls and asked her out!"

To be honest, I was very nervous about asking Cher to be my girlfriend. I've always thought she was pretty, but now I think she's hot. I probably never would've asked her out if she didn't start tutoring me, like, I guess it was because I didn't know her that well.

When she first started tutoring me, I didn't like her. I thought she was a prude, but then I found out she wasn't a virgin. I thought she was a goodie-two-shoes but then she became this little bad ass and I like that about her.

The past month, I've seen a side of her that I didn't think she even had, and I got to really know her. She's funny, beautiful, and very talented. She has this sarcastic side that I really like about her. She knows when to be serious and she knows how to break the ice. She's just so perfect. Her smile, her eyes, everything.

"Jack!" Sammy yelled which caught my attention, breaking me from my thought.

"What happened?" I asked with my eyebrows furrowed. I was not paying attention one bit.

Sammy laughed at my confused state and shook his head. "I asked if you were going to come to my party tonight. You down?"

"I guess," I shrugged and pulled out my phone. "But I'm inviting Cher."

[ Jack ] : Hey babe, want to go to a party tonight at Sammy's?

[ Cher 😍 ] : Ah, I'd love to but I'm supposed to be going to this family dinner thing tonight. Maybe another time?

[ Jack ] : Aw, can't you just skip it? I'm sure there'll be more family dinners you can attend. Plus, I heard this party is supposed to be really good and that there's also going to be a good turn out.

[ Cher 😍 ] : I mean, I guess you're right. I'm just going to get ready but I'll be over in, like, an hour or two.

author's note

hola. so i know i skipped some stuff so far in the story, but i just wanted to get into it. so basically she turns bad throughout the story. it doesn't really explain why, but like she's just hanging out with the wrong crowd. i don't really know how to explain it.

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