Bad ; Fourteen

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Cher || EDITED

"We have to go," Jack stated as he pulled me up from the couch. "Now."

I can't believe they think I'm missing. They didn't even try to contact me, they just assumed I was missing. What the hell?

I nodded my head and grabbed a hold of his hand so I wouldn't lose him in this insane crowd. We made our way outside of the packed house and he turned to face me with a sad look on his face. "Look, Cher, I am so sorry. This is all my fault, I told you to skip the dinner. Now your parents think you're missing. I'm-"

"Jack stop," I cut him off. "It's okay, this isn't your fault. I wanted to come with you tonight, you didn't force me to do anything. It is okay, stop worrying. It's not like I'm actually missing."

"Your parents don't know that!" he raised his voice. "They probably think that you're dead or you were kidnapped. It doesn't matter that you aren't actually missing, because they think you are. You know you're not missing, but do they know that? Obviously not if they filled out a damn Amber Alert to find you!"

I looked down at my feet, suddenly becoming interested in my shoes.

"Baby, I'm sorry," Jack sighed, lifting my chin up so I could look at him. "It's just that... What if you were actually missing and I had no clue where you were? I'd be worried sick. This isn't some joke, this is serious. They have the police involved and everything. It doesn't matter that you're not missing for real, they think you are and that's what matters."

I felt the lump in my throat grow as I nodded my head. "You're right, Jack."

"Come on, lets get you home," he said as he grabbed my hand and walked us over to where his car was parked.


We were about a block from my house and I was so worried at what my parents were going to do to me. This is serious, it's not like my mom is just going to hit me with a chancla and it'll be over with. I have serious punishment coming my way, I already know it.

"Jack," I said, causing him to glance over at me, "I don't think you should drop me off in front of my house."

"What, why?"

I sighed. "There'll more than likely be a ton of cops outside of my house and if they see me get out of your car, then I don't know what will happen to you and I don't want to find out either."

"Well, what are you going to tell them if I drop you off right here and you walk home?"

"I don't know," I shrugged. "I can tell them that I was raped."

He looked over at me like I had lost my mind. "You can't be serious, Cher. You can't tell them that, it'll open up a whole different case. They'll be out there searching for who raped you when in reality, nobody did! What will you tell them when they find out you made it up? That he moved to England?"

"Relax babe, I was joking," I giggled.

He sighed out of frustration and shook his head. "You don't joke about shit like that, Cher. That's some serious shit that is fucking life changing. Rape is not a fucking joke. Don't ever joke about that because what if you were actually raped? Huh? I don't care what you say, I'm dropping you off at your house. If I let walk home from here, you might actually get raped."

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