Bad ; Twenty-Four

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"I'm scared," I admitted with a small sigh.

Sam looked at me confused. "Why are you scared? Jack Gilinsky isn't scared of anything or anyone."

"I'm scared that I will hurt Cher the way I hurt Katerina," I sighed and shook my head. "I told her the story and she said that she still loves me and she will stay with me. I'm just worried that something will happen and I will snap and end up hurting her."

Nate shook his head with a light chuckle. "Bro, what the hell? No offense to you or your girl but she's dumb for staying with you. If I were a girl and a guy told me he basically killed someone, I'd dart out of there. Hell nah, fam. I can't believe you told her that, G."

I sighed. "I couldn't keep this from her, she'd find out eventually. And don't talk about her like that, Nate."

Johnson smiled lightly. "Good for you, Jack, being all honest and shit. If she stayed with you even after she heard your story, she's a keeper. 'Cause I agree with Nate, I would have left your ass. No offense to you or your girl, though."

"You are so whipped, man," Sam stated which caused the other two to laugh.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "I am not whipped!"

My phone buzzed from next to me and I saw Cher's contact pop up on my screen.

[ Cher 💙 ] : Baby, can I come over? My parents are pissing me off right now :(

[ Jack ] : Yeah, of course.

[ Cher 💙 ] : Alright, I'll see you in a little bit.


"We should totally get high right now," I suggested. "As long as you guys ain't got that shit that be giving people headache's."

"I'm down," Nate shrugged. "We ain't got anything better to do so why not?"

Everybody else agreed so I smiled lightly. "Alright, I will be right back. I need to go get something from my car. I just remembered something."

I got up from where I was sitting and headed outside. I unlocked my car and opeend the center console and began digging around for a few seconds before I found what I needed.

"I'm back!" I exclaimed, holding up numerous zip lock bags of numerous types of drugs.

All of their eyes went wide. "Where the hell did you get that?" Johnson asked as he stared at the bags in my hand.

"My cousin is a dealer," I shrugged and sat down on the couch.

"You are the greatest person ever!" Sam exclaimed and smiled widely at me.

Jack clenched his jaw. "Back off Samuel, she's mine."

"Aw, look at my baby being all jealous," I laughed. "But lets get this party started."

why does Logic have to be so fine????????????????????????

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