Bad ; Sixteen

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Cher || EDITED

Today is the first day of the trial and I am so nervous. I laced up my boots and took in a deep breath. I can do this, everything will be okay. I am going to get through this.

"Honey, are you ready yet?" I heard my mom yell from downstairs. "We need to leave soon."

I groaned. "Yes, I'm ready!"

That is the first time that I have talked to her since the whole incident which was a week ago. I walked down the stairs and saw her standing by the front door with her purse in her hand. My dad was going to meet us there or some shit, I don't know.

I walked past her and out the door, getting in the passenger seat. I grabbed the aux chord and plugged it into my phone. I scrolled through my phone and clicked One Direction and 'Through The Dark' started to play.

"So, how are you feeling about all of this?" My mom asked, getting in the driver's seat, as I hummed along to the song. I just shrugged and continued to hum along. "Honey, you have to talk to me sooner or later."

You tell me that you're sad and lost your way
You tell me that your tears are here to stay
But I know you're only hiding
And I just wanna see you

You tell me that you're hurt and you're in pain

And I can see your head is held in shame,
But I just wanna see you smile again
See you smile again
But don't burn out
Even if you scream and shout
It'll come back to you
And I'll be here for you

"Actually, I don't have to do anything," I scoffed and continued on with my humming once I finished talking.

She shook her head and sighed, pulling out of the driveway. "I don't even get why you're mad, the boy kidnapped you! You should be thanking me! If all goes well, he'll be gone for a long time."

"No, I shouldn't be thanking you for anything!" I yelled out of frustration. "I've told you this time and time again that Jack did not kidnap me. Do you believe me, though? No."

"Of course he did! I saw you get out of his car, Cher!"

I sighed and shook my head. "You've seriously got it all wrong. He did not kidnap me, we went to a party and I was going to text you to tell you there was a change of plans but I forgot. He did not kidnap me or force me to do anything I didn't want to do. I told him to drop me off somewhere else but he wouldn't listen. I'm telling you, he did not kidnap me."

"Why didn't you tell me this sooner?"

"I tried so many times but you just don't listen!"

Jack aka daddy

"Your mom dropped this off for you," the officer said, holding out a suit on a hanger. "Put it on so we can leave."

I took the suit from his hands and started to put it on. Once I finished, he unlocked the cell and place cold metal handcuffs around my wrists.


"We are all here today for the trial of Jack Finnegan Gilinsky," the judge spoke through the microphone. "Jack, may you please come to the stand?"

I nodded my head and the officer led me to the stand and I took a seat in the chair. "From my understanding, you are charged with the kidnapping of Cher Ramirez. Is that correct?" She asked.

"I did not kidnap her," I stated with a loud sigh.

"That is not what I asked!" She yelled. "I asked if you were charged with the kidnapping of Cher Ramirez, not if you did it or not! Now, were you charged with kidnap?"

I nodded my head and looked over at her. "Yes ma'am."

"Now why would you want to kidnap, Ms. Ramirez?"

I let out a loud sigh and shook my head. "I did not kidnap her."

She asked me a few more questions but I just replied with the same thing everytime; that I did not kidnap her. "Alright," she sighed and shook her head. "We obviously aren't going to get anything out of you. I would like to call Nathan Maloley up to the stand."

Nate aka daddy #2

"From what I've heard, you and Jack are good friends. Is that correct?" She asked as I took a seat in the chair. Woah, I feel so weird up her. I always thought I'd be on trial for something but not this.

I nodded my head. "Yes, ma'am."

"Has Jack ever talked about kidnapping Cher? Or anyone for that matter?"

"No ma'am, in fact, Jack never kidnapped her."

She shook her head and rolled her eyes. "You're probably just covering for you friend. This was a bad idea, why would I call up his friends? I want someone else on stand, please."

"I'm not lying though," I stated just as an officer was about to lead me back to my seat in the crowd. "I saw the text messages and everything, he did not kidnap her."

"What text messages?"

"The ones between Jack and Cher."

"I did not know anything about text messages," she said, confused. "I wasn't even aware they knew each other. Jack, may I please see your phone?"

He nodded and the officer pulled it out of a zip-lock bag and handed it to the judge.

Author's note

[ unedited ] : I was actually writing this in class and then my dumbass choir teacher decided to take my notebook from my hands and he was like "Is this English?" And I said yes bc I thought he meant the language.

Then he was like why am I writing this in class so I told him that I was finishing a story for my teacher and he decided that he was going to call her and tell what I was doing in class.

So then I had to speak to her and she was like, why was I doing that in class and I told her I was writing her a story which was obvs a lie bc I ain't writing her shit but she believe me.

The next day in class, she ASKED FOR THE STORY LMAO! It's non exsistent but I told her that she'd get by next week which was a lie bc it's not real.

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