Bad ; Thirty-Six

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"Wait, I'm sorry, what?" Jack asked with a confused look on his face. "What do you mean you're being homeschooled, you can't leave me! I love you so much and I can't be without you, it's not fair."

Since today was my last day at real school with real people that also meant it was my last day with Jack. I noticed his eyes becoming glossy and I pulled him in for a hug. "Babe, everything's going to be okay."

He looked at me and took in a deep breath. "I have an idea but you may not like it, though." I looked up at his and waited for him to continue. I guess he got the hint of what I was waiting for because he continued speaking. "Lets run away together. I know it's dumb and you'll probably-"

"I will do it, Jack!" I cut him off. "I will do whatever it takes to be with you even if that means running away from my family because I love you so much."

He looked at his watch. "What time do your parents get off?"

"Um, my dad gets off at seven and my mom gets off at six thirty," I replied.

He licked his lips and nodded. "Alright, come on, you need to pack."


"Don't pack everything, just pack the stuff you need," Jack told me when we pulled into my driveway. I got out and ran into the house. I grabbed a big duffle bad and started throwing clothes in it.

When I finished, I ran into my bathroom and started grabbing all my things that I need like a toothbrush, hairbrush, toothpaste, that type of stuff.

When I finished, I threw the bag on the bed and walked over to my desk. I pulled out a piece of paper and a pen and immediately started writing.

Dear Mom and Dad,

I'm sorry, but I cannot stay here anymore. Your rules are quite dumb and I hate it here. You guys treat me like I am some little kid who can't handle herself but I can. I know that I have done some bad things and I am sorry for what I put you guys through.

You guys need to understand that I am madly in love with Jack Finnegan Gilinsky and no amount of rules will ever change my feelings towards him. He was always there for me when you guys weren't and I am very thankful for that.

You guys treat him like he's some gang banger or something when he's really not. He is not that type of person. The things he went through in life shaped him into the person he is today. He has to put up that whole 'bad boy' act to get through life.

You wouldn't understand it but I do. He's broken and he needs somebody and I believe that I am that somebody. I won't be coming home tonight - well I won't be coming home at all.

I have decided that I do not want to apart of a family who won't accept me for who I am and for who I love. Don't try getting in touch with me. Dad smashed my phone, remember?

You probably won't miss me, because you know, I'm such a disgrace to this family.

- Cher, the disgrace.

P.S. Remember, I love you guys and this isn't your fault.

P.P.S. Oh wait, this is your fault. It's totally your fault, my bad.

P.P.P.S. You guys will have to live with this for the rest of your sad and pathetic lives. That should be a fun story to tell the family. "Oh yeah, we caused our own teenage daugther to runaway with her boyfriend. She ain't coming back."

P.P.P.P.S. #SorryNotSorry, but I've got to go. My boyfriend - also known as Jack - is waiting for me in the car. I'll see you guys...... never!

I neatly folded the piece of paper and set it on my desk. I then grabbed my two bags and headed outside to Jack's car. "Are you ready for this?" he asked, grabbing a hold of my hand.

"I'm as ready as I'll ever be," I replied.

He pulled out of the driveway and we kept driving and driving until we finally left the place that we grew up in, Omaha, Nebraksa, and we never returned.

The End

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