Bad ; Thirty-Two

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Song : Come and See Me by PARTYNEXTDOOR ft. Drake


Thankfully, my parents decided on letting me keep my phone because they realized that I will need it in case of an emergency. Right now, I'm texting Jack about my plan that I hope will work.

[ Jack] : Baby, are you sure this is going to work?

[ Cher ] : Yes, I am absolutely positive. It's not like it matters to you, though. We know it's not true, they just have to believe it - which they more than likely are because they have been waiting for this moment since we started dating.

[ Jack ] : Alright, that's true, I guess. Good luck, baby, I love you.

I put down my phone and opened up my laptop. I went to YouTube and searched up 'Sad Videos.'

I watched maybe four or five videos and I was already crying a river. It helps that I'm about to start my period so I'm emotional over anything. A person can sneeze and I'd probably cry, I don't know why.

I took in a deep breath and shut my laptop. I got off my bed and slowly walked down the stairs while sobbing. "Oh my God, what's wrong?" my mom gasped and ran over to me. "Are you okay? What happened?"

"J-Jack," I hiccuped.

"What did Jack do?"

I gulped. "He broke up with me! I know you told me not to have any contact with him but he kepy blowing up my phone so I answered the call because I thought it was an emergency. Anyways, he said he never loved me and that it was all a lie. I don't know what to do."

"That bastard!" she muttered under her breath. "I am so sorry, Cher, I really am."

I shook my head. "Go ahead say 'I told you so' already. I know you're probably dying to get that out. You were right the whole time, mom. He is so bad for me and I should have listened to you, I'm sorry."

"No honey, I was just looking out for you. I heard he had a reputation but I didn't think it was true. I now know that I was indeed correct but this is not your fault! You didn't know, it's okay."

I wiped away a few tears. "I'm just going to go to bed."

Once I was upstairs and in my bedroom, I broke out in a wide smile. I immediately pulled out my phone to text Jack.

[ Cher ] : Baby, she totally bought it and I'm pretty sure that my dad will too.

[Jack ] : Ah, that's great! Congratulations, you pulled it off.

[ Cher ] : Oh, sweetheart, I am not done yet!

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