Bad ; Twenty-Six

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Song : Torn by One Direction ( COVER )


"Hello Mrs. Ramirez, it's a pleasure to meet you," Jack greeted my mom at the door with a wide smile on his face.

My mom faked a smile and opened the door wider for him to step through. "Come on in, Jack. I wish I could the same about you but dinner is almost ready, you guys can just sit in the living room if you'd like."

Jack and I walked hand-in-hand to the couch and took a seat. "That wasn't that bad," he chuckled.

My dad walked in the living room and sat at the couch that was across from Jack and I. "So Jack, how are your grades in school? Do you have A's, B's, F's?"

Oh great, here we go with numerous amounts of questions.

"They're good," Jack replied with a light smile. "They have really gotten better since Cher started tutoring me, though."

My dad arched his eyebrow and slowly nodded his head up and down. "Do you really love my daughter?"

"O-Of course," Jack stammered. "Of course I love your daughter. I love her more than anything in this world, sir."

"Then why are you do this to her?" my dad asked with a little sigh. "Why are you getting her hooked on drugs? Why are you having her sneak out of the house to come and see you? That is not the life she needs to be living. She should be with someone who respects her parents rules, who doesn't do drugs, who's not a troublemaker, and who treats her right."

Oh my God. Did he really just go there?

"I do treat her right!" Jack defended. "I might do drugs and get in trouble but that doesn't necessarily define who I am. I know damn well that I treat your daughter right, how she deserves to be treated. You only saw us together twice and those weren't the best situations. You don't see when it's just us by ourselves. I treat your daughter right, sir."

I furrowed my eyebrows together. "Wait dad, did you really just call my boyfriend a druggie? Are you fucking serious right now?"

"That's what he is, isn't he?" he shrugged. "He's a no good druggie that'll end up hurting you in the end. I don't want you to come crying to me when he hurts you or when you finally wake up and realize that!"


The dinner was really awkward, I did not like it at all. Her parents are so rude and disrespectful, I can't stand it.

How can her father even say that about me, though? He doesn't know me, he doesn't know what I have been through, and he doesn't know what made me this way. Only Johnson knows so he can't just call me a druggie and get away with it.

That's not how it works.

I am not going to allow some random ass person that I've only met, like, twice call me a druggie. He doesn't know me and that shit is not flying by me.

"Are you sure about this?" Cher asked with a little sigh.

I nodded. "Yes, I'm positive. Can you hand me the bag please?"

She handed me the plastic bag and I pulled out the metal can of spray paints. I shook it up and pulled off the cap. I smirked, walking closer to the car and got started on my work.

Once I finished spraying, I stepped back and admired my beautiful artwork.

On Cher's dad's car was the word 'Asshole' in dark red spray paint.

ily guys!

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