Bad ; Nine

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Cher || EDITED

I woke up around 12:30pm and my mouth felt sore. I also had a major hangover.

I walked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. Oh my God, what happened to my lips?! They're huge! Did I get stung last night? There is no way my parents won't notice this. I'm not even sure what happened to me so this is going to be hard explaining.

I walked down stairs and saw my parents sitting at the kitchen table. I tried to walk past them with none of them noticing but of course, they saw me. "Good morning, Cher," my mom said and I turned to face with a small smile on my face.

"Oh my goodness!" She practically screeched. "What happened to your lips?"

"Also, what's that color stuff on your face?" My dad asked as he took a sip of his coffee.

I laughed at his words. "It's called make up, dad. And I'm honestly not even sure, I think I got stung."

"Oh, well I am so proud that you stayed in your room all night," she said with a small smile. "We went straight to bed after we picked you up. But you should really put some ice on that."

Oh, so that's why they didn't come and pick me up.

"Yeah, I will. But I've got to go, I can't be late to school. Don't bother driving me, I'm just going to walk."

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