Chapter 27

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Rei stands outside of Agasa's house in a discreet corner near the bushes, relaxing one of his legs against the wall and folding his arms around his chest. His lips rests in a pale thin line under the poorly illuminated street light, creating ominous shadows on his cheekbones. It's about 5 in the evening and he was anticipating for a yellow Beatle car to drive into the street.

He'd left the campsite in the morning after he received that phone call, and as much as he hated to leave them - especially Shiho - he had too. Initially, he had his doubts about getting an uber around a non urban area, but it seems like there's always people who have nothing better to do with their lives lurking around looking for some customers. 

He reaches into his pockets and grabs out his sunglasses. 

The edge of his sunglasses was already rusting, dirty orange bits forming in random places. Scratches adorning the surface and on the perimeter of the lenses, saving only enough space for him to see. He had expected this, after all, unlike normal glasses, these were made out of metal. And you don't need a genius to say that metal eventually forms into rust.

Science. 👌 

On the outside, they looked like a touch could send them flying to pieces, but it's been 10 years, and despite the scratches and grooves, not one single crack was seen. 

It had been given to him from a former friend of his, Scotch, for his birthday from a couple of years ago. And just a few days later, he was gone. 

A sourness tickles his nose. 

Scotch had gotten a special optician to design the glasses so that it is durable. And it sure had been, enduring through years of blood and sweat only to end up with a few scratches and scrapes. 

His friends had asked him why he didn't just buy new glasses, after all it wasn't like he couldn't afford it. But the nostalgia in them hit him differently, like it was a memory of his old friend. And a token of his journey of the last 10 years. 

From a distance, he sees Agasa's car nearing the house. 

He doesn't move, but he smiles when he sees the kids waving to him frantically from inside the car and Shiho half smiling at him, before she looked away.

She just loves to play hard to get.

He starts walking over to the car to help them unpack, greeting all the kids and everyone before walking over to Shiho which was kinda his plan all along. 

"You miss me honey?"

Still unbuckling her suitcase from the rear of the car, she doesn't bother to turn around to know that it's him, "what makes you think I do?" she sets her belongings down, "I don't need your company to survive".

"Yes yes you are an independent woman," he says while picking up her suitcase and walking towards the door, "but how can you not miss all this," he gestures his face.

He half expects her to pull out one of mockery cards and soak him in sarcasm but she unexpectantly motions her hand towards his face and stands close enough so that they could feel the heat, "I appreciate your confidence,'' she smirks. 

He chuckles, "I'll take that as a compliment," before he closes the trunk and wheels her suitcase inside.

"Never thought I'd see the gentlemanly side of you,'' she comments, low-key feeling rather attracted by his side that didn't involve being a player.

"Well you liking it so far?" 

She simply smiles and shrugs it off, she obviously likes it, but she's Shiho, why would she admit it, "also why did you leave so early today?"

"You know, emergency work meetings or whatever, had to get an uber back after".

Well, technically he wasn't lying about anything in there, there are simply just left out information. 

"Oh," she seems to be in thought, as if rethinking back to something. She had other questions in mind, like why he didn't tell her he was gonna leave, but her pride stopped her from doing so. He might mistaken her to actually care about him.

Our Love Is Like Fireworks [Detective Conan Fanfic] (Rei x Shiho)Where stories live. Discover now