Chapter 6

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Livid is perhaps one of the last words you would use to describe Ran, and yet here she is, glaring furiously at Kudo Shinichi, who would frankly make fun of her current facial expression, but is too taken aback for jokes. Ran stands, with her feet planted firmly on the ground, and her fist clenched together forcefully, creating nail marks in her skin. The detective stepped back unconsciously at the sight of her fist, knowing perfectly well what she might do with that.

Her eyebrows knit together and her cheeks are flushed with anger. Shinichi looked into her eyes, filled with sadness and fury. She takes a step forward, her arms crossing around her chest, almost defensively.

"You can't just keep on walking into my life like this!" She shouted, tears streaming down her face.

Shinichi didn't respond he just kept looking at her in disbelief.

"You can't just walk into my life, and then suddenly disappear, I'm sick of it," she protested, her hands digging into her hair frustratedly.

Shinichi had taken the temporary antidote from Haibara's lab, of course, without her permission, since she would not let him. He had planned to go see Ran, but he hadn't expected this.

He really outdid himself.

Last time, when Shinichi had transformed, it was Ran's birthday, and they had a birthday party. And he had asked her to go outside to finally spend some time away from everyone else. But he didn't have the time to since the antidotes effect was running out. And he just ran off without even telling Ran what happened. Afterwards, he called her, saying that there was an emergency case that needed his assistance.

It was a lame excuse, but that's all he had.

Ran only replied with an okay, and then she hung up. Shinichi knew then that he stuffed up.

This time when he came, he wanted to apologise.

But after all the times when he ditched her for a case, she has had enough.

Of course, Ran still likes Shinichi, but it seemed like she is waiting forever, and she's nearing her limit.

"Look Ran, I'm so sorry, you don't even know how bad I feel right now, " he tried explaining, "but there are problems, and once those problems are gone, I promise I'll tell you everything".

"Do you know how many times I've heard that from you?" she whispers, sadness really evident in her eyes now, "Shinichi, I-" a sigh escapes her lips,  "I really don't know now,"


Shiho storms away, without looking back.

Her lips purse into a grim line, as the vacancy in her heart becomes apparent. Anger and sadness surged through her at once, curiosity too as she wonders why she even waited for him in the first place.

To say her feeling right now is ambivalent is an understatement - she's hella confused and she feels like her feelings are tearing her up. And it didn't help much at all when this - let's just say -intellectually challenged fellow audaciously asked her out before trying to kiss her, in which she returned with a kick in the nuts.

She must admit, she'd enjoyed watching him cry whilst running back gingerly to his group of friends.

Her mind rewinds back to Rei, and she wants to slap herself for waiting stupidly like an idiot. Way to ruin her dignity. It's one of those embarrassing moments that she just desperately want to erase from her memory. All she wants to do right now is to go home, hide under her pillow, and try to forget that ever happened. 

Her eyebrows creases together in annoyance.

He was just using me for his job.

But then again he did say it was for his job.

So why did I even say yes to his favour?

Why did I even go into the room in the first place, it's not like Ran and Sonoko are a big deal.

I should've just walked away.

But why all that flirting in the beginning?

And why did he look at me like that?

She'd figured why, it wasn't hard to. But she can't find the guts to face it. It someone pains her too much.

He was just playing her.

Of course, he was, what is a Casanova like him gonna do to in their spare time. She knew that she would eventually turn into one of those guys he would just flirt with. 

She huffs out an exasperated sigh and decides not to delve on it for any longer, they are just strangers, that's the way it should be.

Our Love Is Like Fireworks [Detective Conan Fanfic] (Rei x Shiho)Where stories live. Discover now