Chapter 38

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It's been 3 months. 3 months since she the party. 3 months since Rei left and never called or texted again. He really ghosted her. 

She learnt to forget about it. After all, childhood had taught her not to dwell on the past and of course, not to dwell on people. They come and go like the wind, she used to tell herself, she didn't need anyone else, but herself. 

She had stayed in her house for basically the whole 3 months, there was no point going out. She had busier things to do like making new antidotes in case this one isn't permanent and fails completely on her. 

But today seems like a good day. Morning meets Shiho in shades of yellow and blue. Yellow from the sun soaking into the room. Blue from the detective adorned in jeans and blue shirt sitting beside her bed. 

"Yo," he waves her good morning, only receiving an icy glare. She hadn't seen him since the party, since he got whisked away on a case with Hattori in Osaka which took a whole 3 months. She had no interest in anything about it. 

"If you don't have a good explanation as to why you're here," she looks at her clock, rubbing her eyes, "8 in the morning, you're gonna find yourself in the middle of another science experiment". 

He chuckles, aren't I already in most of your science experiment?  "actually," he places his hands gingerly behind the back of his head and side eyes her, the same thing he does every time he says something out of his normal character, "I came to say sorry, for last night, the alcohol got to me". 

She stares at him for a moment before a smirk plasters on her face, "I don't forgive you" she rolls over on her bed and looks up at the ceiling, "but I don't know...there's a new Fusae bag on the market, it might just do the trick". 

He sighs, but with air of relief, "you are the reason my bank account is in single digits".

"You should know better than to drink that much," she states plainly, "your alcohol tolerance is everything but strong". 

"Oi, oi, oi, the only other time I've had it is when I had to down that bottle of baijui, otherwise, I've technically new to alcohol". 

"Mmm sure," she murmurs and slides out of bed, strolling to the vanity, "so what did you actually come here for, I know you're not here just to apologise". She knew him better than he thought. 

"Hahaaa," he laughs nervously and puts a flyer on her table, "you know that American chain store near the train station, I was thinking we could get peanut butter and jelly". 

Shiho raises an eyebrow quizzically before realising, "ah, I see, you still thinking about how we didn't save you any pb and j sandwich from last time aren't you," she mocks sarcastically, (THIS WAS AN OVA BY THE WAY)"not our fault you were all the way on the plane to England". 

"Well yeah, I wanted to try it at least, plus I didn't know which one you got last time, so I need your help". 

It was a poorly made excuse, and she could see right through it. But today, she's bored, and it wasn't like there was anything better to do. 

"So when are we going?" she yawns, walking out the door. 

"I'd say 9 is a good time to leave the house,"

"9?!" she turns around in disbelief. 

"Yeah otherwise a lot of people will be there and it might be sold out,"

Looks like he thought a lot about this.

"I'm going to eat breakfast first". 


"You're going back to high school?"

He nods, almost reluctantly, "I have to, I technically have never finished high school and I'm gonna need to do that". Otherwise my mum might kill me

"Sucks to be you," she comments receiving a glare from him. 

They enter the shop, inside, the air conditioning is blasted to full volume, ceilings with shelves stacked multiples row high. It looked unlike other convenience stores, people roamed inside with baskets and trollies of goodies, this is where all the American people go if they come to Japan, if they ever feel homesick from their country. Shiho used to come here all the time before she found Agasa had been eating half the products she brought there, she did not need him to gain another few pounds, so she'd stopped coming. 

"Lead the way please,"

"I will even if you didn't ask me to," she mutters and starts walking. 

Walking in this supermarket is like walking back in the grocery in America, food were made in significantly larger portions that she makes a mental note not to show Agasa. But she didn't think too much about that, another thought was plaguing her mind. 

Because today was yet another day put on the calendar where Rei hasn't texted or called her. She's keeping track but she won't admit it. 

"It's this one," she picks up a can of jelly and puts it in her cart, "now we look for peanut butter".

It just doesn't seem like something he'd do. Despite the short time they've known each other, Shiho is nearly positive Rei isn't someone who would just straight up ghost her. 


"The jelly should be at the second aisle," she starts walking through the people, with Shinichi following closely behind. 

But what if he is. What if she doesn't actually know him. What if she had been manipulated? One of Shiho's life motto is to not judge solely by what one sees on the outside, acting is an easy job, every rose has thorns on the inside. 

Then again, something doesn't feel right. What's this feeling? 

 She reaches for the jelly put on the highest shelf, tiptoeing in an attempt to get it, stupid jelly why you gotta be so high

"Got it," she whispered to herself.

Shinichi had gotten lost in the crowds of people and the strawberry blonde first of all, did not realise, and second of all, was not bothered to wait for him.

He's a detective, should know where he's going. 

She exits the aisle, only to find herself face to face (no, closer than that) with a tall figure. 

Too focused on her jelly, she bumps head first onto his firm body, his body heat touching hers. Calm breathing hastening up against her forehead. So close, too close. 

Yet something made her feel safe, like the figure towered and protected over her from everything. 

She loses balances, her cart slipping through her grips and her body getting pulled towards the floor. Ah shit here we go again, gonna get a bruise after this.

And she stops, a hand around her waist. 

"Oi oi, I didn't think you were that clumsy,"

Our Love Is Like Fireworks [Detective Conan Fanfic] (Rei x Shiho)Where stories live. Discover now