Chapter 28

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Ran knocks almost timidly on the door, as if visiting the house of an estranged relative.

She hadn't stepped foot in this neighbourhood for quite some time. That it felt, strangely unfamiliar to see the same image she pictured and remembered in her head, like nothing changed. Even when they were dating, Shinichi was never home enough for her to come around, and she had gotten used to it. Nostalgia suddenly envelops her in waves as memories of her childhood floods back to her. 

Of course, she wasn't about to drown herself in her self pity merely because of an inevitable relationship failure. Somethings are not meant to last. Love doesn't have to be eternal. 

But at the same time, it made her question if there was any murmur of love within them anyways. After all, the adolescent hormones confuse every teenage into believing a spark indicated everlasting love and promise that somehow always unequivocally ended in a string of broken hearts.

First loves rarely become life long. High school sweethearts weren't an exception. They are only meant to be a little warming up game that brings a bit more thrill in the dully tedious life of high school. 

"Heiji what do you think about this one," 

Whispers float around behind her from Kazuha and Heiji and she forgets that they were the ultimate example of high school sweetheart, finding the need to correct herself from her previous statement now. 

"Nah, it's too floral," he whispers back. 

"Agasa's taking a surprisingly long time," Ran observes, finally saying something after minutes of silence from her. 

"Yeah I wonder what's going on," Kazuha replies before the door clicks open and out pops a girl with strawberry blonde hair who she almost seemed to recognise, except she can't put a finger on where she thinks she's seen her before. 

"How can I help you?" Her voice was soft but there was a sharp hint of icy coldness in her tone. Like she forms her every syllable and words in an elegant but....not exactly emotionless, but- She struggles to find the words describe her in her head, she'd never been good at creative writing, but she definitely reminded her of someone. 

"Hi, I'm Ran and this Kazuha and Heiji, it's nice to meet you,"

She smiles away the coldness that she had before, "nice to meet you, I'm Shiho".

Heiji knew the moment she saw her that it was Haibara. It didn't take a detective piece together the puzzles, although he has to admit it would've taken him a bit longer if he didn't know Kudo had turned back too. 

"Ah it's you guys!" Agasa comes out from the door and greets them, at the same time realising that they're probably here to pick up Conan. 

And both Shiho and Shinichi, who instinctively went to the bathroom, knew that.

"Is Conan in there?"

It's only then that Heiji realised that he should've stopped them from coming over because Shinichi was the one he called and was at the  camp, not Conan. But he told them it was Conan anyways. 

Oh shit, I messed up.

Sorry Kudo.

"Conan and Haibara actually just got picked up by his parents," Shiho says with a feigning confidence, it was an emergency and they had to leave now for America, "

"Oh," Ran seems to be concerned while Heiji pinches himself behind her, "are they okay?"

"Yeah I'm sure they're fine," she replies, you have absolutely nothing to worry about. 

Heiji quickly chimes in, in attempt to fix his previous mistake, "well then I think we gotta get going, it's getting late too."

Shiho and Agasa give him a knowing nod before they waved off their goodbyes and watch them walk away. They were both worried that Ran or Kazuha might've figured out Shiho's identity, and they might've, they just didn't say. 

Rei was entertaining the kids while everything was happening. He was barely involved in something for once, which he is not complaining about. 

Shinichi walks towards them cautiously, gesturing to him and Shiho's unpredictable state, "what are we going to do about this?"

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