Chapter 12

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While Rei talks to the detective boys, Shiho decides to check on Shinichi who locked himself inside the library. She's noticed that he was in a weird mood today, he didn't seem alright.

"You okay?" she knocks lightly on the door, genuinely concerned for him.

He opens the door as if he knew she was going to come, his eyes not looking at hers. His enormous pile of books that usually surrounded him like walls of brick messily stacked upon one another is not seen, instead, he finally had the decency to clean his clutter up, but right now, Shiho can't decide if that's a good thing. 

She had also noticed in his room that the pillow carried remnants of what was probably tears, it had been damp enough for her to detect it, but dry enough for it to not be visible. 

Shinichi slouches on one of the benches near the romance bookshelf, eyes still downcast.

"Ran broke up with me,"

She wouldn't have said that she guessed it, but that was definitely one of the reasons that lingered in her mind, knowing him, the only girl who could tear him apart like this was Ran. 

She breathes in deeply, "I'm sorry Kudo," somehow she feels his pain, ironically, she's been in a similar situation before, "I'm not really sure what to say, but if you need to talk, just let me know".

Heartbreak is one of the hardest things to go through, she knows by experience. Even though it's extent is often underestimated by everyone, it's one of those things that really puts a toll on a person's mental wellbeing. The fact that they're so close, but so hard to reach. The fact that you wish they're yours, but they're not. 

"It's okay," he sighs melancholically, "I think I'm fine".

In all honesty, he wasn't. And he knew perfectly well. But how's Shiho gonna fix it? How's anyone gonna fix it? It was his fault, and it is entirely Ran's choice, she had the decision if she still wanted to be with him, and she chose no. But losing a childhood best friend who had been the only motivation to his never-ending journey of returning back to his normal form is devastating and for the first time in his life, he has experienced the infamous feeling of getting a heart broken. 

"Are you sure your ok, you really don't look like you are,"

"I'm fine thanks," Kudo assures her. 

He had noticed Shiho's unexpected kindness and he was not aware of this warm side of her before. It struck him differently, after all the mockery and sarcastic comments she would frequently throw at him, her tone was almost, welcoming. He chuckles mentally, didn't know the ice queen had this side of her. Suddenly, a pink tint formed instinctively on his cheeks. 

His thoughts left him gazing into Shiho's eyes that were concentrated on the book she had just found on the nearest bookshelf. And for a split second, it's almost like he had left all his consciousness and drifted straight into the beautiful eyes of Miyano Shi-

"Am I interrupting anything?"

Shinichi was stunned for a moment before realising that the voice belonged to no other than Rei Furuya, and has to admit, he's not the first person he would wanna see right now.

"Sorry, I-uh just zoned out," he tries not to stutter but fails miserably.

Shiho, unaware of what's happening, turns to Rei and then turns back to Shinichi, but she didn't gather any information. She still feels reluctant to have any interactions with him after knowing that he basically played her. 

"Oh," Rei says rather sarcastically, "I thought something was going on" his hands gesturing between the both of them quite aggressively.

"No," Shinichi stands up and starts walking towards the door, ready to brew himself a cup of coffee, "nothing was going on".

Once he reaches near the door where Rei stood, he hears a whisper from the detective.

"You sure?"

He feels a bit of heat crawling up to his face, "yes" he states, "we're just friends,"

Rei smirks, "well that makes it better for me."


While Shinichi is brewing his coffee, he can't help but rewind what Rei had said in his mind.

Does he like Shiho?

Does Shiho like him?

What is going on?

The deliciously bitter smell of pure coffee beans pervades his olfactory nerves, and he watches the detective boys engrossed in the new cartoon show that just came out. He really shouldn't be drinking coffee at this hour, he's not going to be able to sleep later. But it was the only thing that could help him calm down from everything going on his life.

Our Love Is Like Fireworks [Detective Conan Fanfic] (Rei x Shiho)Where stories live. Discover now