Chapter 39

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Turns out Kudo Shinichi had a better reason get lost in the middle of a supermarket (totally not because he couldn't find the aisle he was meant to go to) to again be the hero of the day. 

"If you weren't just standing there like an idiot I would not have tripped" she snarls jokingly, picking herself back up and regaining some balance. She silently curses her low blood pressure as her vision blurs for a second before she walks it off. 

"Or maybe if you paid more attention to the road ahead of you," he says cheekily, eyeing the jelly curiously before whisking it away from her hands, "so this is the legendary ingredient huh".

"Yes, do you need help to prepare it too?"

It was meant to be sarcastic comment but Shinichi replies with a delighted tone, "you read my mind!". 

She side eyes him before crossing her arms around her chest and walking towards the register, "how did he manage to get lost in a supermarket anyways" she murmurs, barely audible. 

"What'd you say?"



Now that she realises it, that instance where she had fallen had been strangely familiar. But it wasn't him. The heat of the body, the protection over her, the faint heartbeat. Somewhere in her mind, she pictured his arms circling around her body again. For a second, she could've been so sure, so sure...

"Yes, just these please," Shinichi places the items on the counter, looks back at Shiho to gesture for her to hurry up.

Perhaps she is having illusions, perhaps she is going crazy, imagining things that never happened. Perhaps making pb and J sandwiches with the detective doesn't sound like such a bad idea anymore. 

"Oi, you there?" Shinichi is waving his hands in front of her face, "we can go now". 

Out of nowhere, he takes her hands and drags her out of the supermarket. 


He wasn't meant to be there.

He wasn't meant to find her contact on his phone. He wasn't meant to follow her and him into the supermarket. He wasn't meant to go in between him and Shiho. 

He wasn't meant to see her. 

All that should've never had happened. The meeting, the hanging out, the falling in love. But it did. And he has absolutely no way of stopping it now or just letting it go. He is in too deep without any way of going back, he is at the point of no return. 

Nothing went according to plan. Who would've thought that girl with the steel heart could bring him down to his knees and halt his senses to the point where he could not resist the thought of being without her. 

No mission was ever this hard. But this one took hold of his heart, and he fails to regain control of it. 

To bring down a spy you had to bring him down from the inside and create conflict in the heart like a civil war raging on and on and on. 

He lies his head on his steering wheel. It's past 11pm and in a parked in a kids playground he had no idea existed until he mindlessly drove there. Outside there's an eerie silence which almost seems weird, a kids playground without any kids or noise or happiness. He doesn't know what he had been doing for the past few hours, but he ended up here somehow and an emotional mess, he decided it would better to stop driving.

He stares warily at the darkness of the night and scolds himself mentally. He shouldn't have gone back, especially when he's not meant to, and especially when he said that to her. 

The party was meant to be the last night he ever saw her. He made a promise to himself, to see her one last time and walk away, as if it all never happened. It was for the better, he couldn't risk anything. 

And yet he saw it. He saw it all. The way he looked at her, the way he touched her, the way he was the one who held her hand in the dance when it should've been him. He had never felt that way before, it was as if he got cast under a magical spell that made him and his heart function without logic and go completely on automatic mode. It went haywire on him. 

But it was all too late. It is all too late. There's no going back now, he made the choice, and he is going to have to stick with it. 

Our Love Is Like Fireworks [Detective Conan Fanfic] (Rei x Shiho)Where stories live. Discover now