Chapter 29

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They decided to just wait the antidote off for the time being. There's not much to do but to just observe and act accordingly.  Shiho had also realised that they cannot let the detectives boys talk to Ran or Kazuha about Conan and Haibara because they had different information about them.

The detective boys knew that Conan and Haibara left before camp. But as far as Ran and Kazuha know, they were all at the camp, and left afterwards.

Well I screwed up.

"If the antidote effect does begin to die down, try to hide first from other people," Shinichi explains from his own experience, which surprisingly which works every time, "if we can't then," his shoulder shrug, "then it is what it is".

"Well there's not really any point anymore is there," Agasa asks.

"Yeah there's no point hiding from them about this anymore, B.O's gone," something about saying the letters B O together still strikes a dissonant chord in her mind, "we're just not bothered with the hassle of explaining everything".

Rei walks over to them after he realised that the detective boys have been fully distracted by the new spider man movie with Tom Holland in it. He hasn't seen it, but he has other things to do for the time being. But he also knows that there's going to be one with all 3 of them which he cannot miss. 

"You guys heard about the new spider movie? Apparently they have all three spider mans in there". 

He casually brings up the topic which starts off in collective anticipation for the movie but soon turns into a heated debate of the more superior Spiderman.

"You can't argue against Andrew Garfield," Shiho states strongly, "he was the who could actually pull off Spiderman". 

"You can't just pull of Spiderman you have to pull off Peter Parker too," Shinichi points out, "which is why-"

"Why Tom Holland is the best mix of all", Rei interrupts.

"No, Tobey Macguire, he is iconic," Shinichi asserts. 

"Well I wouldn't know I've never seen Spiderman," Agasa chirps in unnecessarily, earning a glare from the teens. (plus rei)

The argument goes on for the next few minutes going back and forth and attacking the actors. Things even got to the point where things started to get physical but we won't get too deep in that part. They only stopped arguing when the detective boys came up to them excitedly with Mitsuhiko's camera in his hand. 

"Guyss we forgot to take pictures at the camp," Ayumi says, "can we take them now?"

"I even found my camera and the sun's setting," Mitsuhiko gestures outside, "it's a perfect background. 

"Sure we can," Agasa agrees and the others nod in approval even though both Shinichi and Shiho secretly are not bothered to. 

"I just want some food," Genta grumbles as he drags his feet out the room. 

Outside, the sun faded into a colour spill of orange and pink, pouring onto the streets like pools of honey. A perfect scenery for a photo, despite having to do it right outside Agasa's house, and along with the fact that the picture's going to come out with squinty eyes. 

 Mitsuhiko places his camera on a bench and proceeds to set it on a timer for 10 seconds, enough for him to get in the frame. "Alright guys ready, I'm about to-"

Rei, who had been standing separately from the group picture takes the camera from Mitsuhiko, "I'll take it, it'll look better that way".

"But Rei, we want you in the photo," Ayumi protests. 

"It's alright I'm not really photogenic either," everyone knew that was cap. But no one questioned it further. He shoos Mitsuhiko into the picture and gets ready to shoot. 

Shiho knew it wasn't about being photogenic. She knows damn well that Rei is a self obsessive Casanova who would look good in any photo. Not that she took note of that. But there must be another reason. 

"Alright you guys ready?" he squints his eye in the little frame and lingers on Shiho's glowing face for a while too long. 

"3, 2, 1, say cheese," 


He checks the photo before the kids  gather around the camera to see. 

"Yayyy the lighting's so good," 

"Oh my god do I actually look good in a picture,"

"Can we get food now,"


After a while of admiring the pictures, Rei's phone beeps.

A text message. 

He looks down at his phone as he walks towards his car parked at the end of the road.

'Well it's been fun, but I need to go now,"

Everyone waves him goodbye but Shiho senses something wrong with his abrupt departure. 

Our Love Is Like Fireworks [Detective Conan Fanfic] (Rei x Shiho)Where stories live. Discover now