Chapter 19

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"Yo Haibara, I thought you were more mature than that,"

Kudo looks in disapproval as he criticises his partner in crime, who he found tangled up tightly next to NPA agent under the soggy tent. If it hadn't been for him they probably would've just stayed there for the rest of the few days at camp. He shakes his head in response to that thought. 

"I didn't know that tent would do that," she explains without much emotion, "and we couldn't get ourselves out anyways, we were both tied."

He scoffs ignorantly, "I know you could if you tried".

She doesn't respond, but continues to find sticks for the campfire. 

Shinichi had found them, and he wasn't too thrilled about it, but he helped them set up the tents which was much easier, since there was 3 people. Luckily, nor the kids or Professor had saw their little predicament, it would've been awkward if they did. Kudo had then assigned them to separate jobs with Rei going with the kids to cut up some food, and Shiho and him to find wood to build a fire.

"You know you've been acting all different since he came along," he comments, "you don't seem like the normal you".

She glances at him from the corner of her eyes, "Guess you just have to get used to it".

The strawberry blonde walks away leaving a frozen Shinichi looking at her figure shrinking by the second. 

That's the moment he realised that maybe she didn't change after all.

Back at the camp grounds, Shinichi was beyond surprised to see his phone popping up with countless notifications from Ran and a text message from Heiji, until he realised that Ran's probably wondering where Conan is. 

He debates about calling her back or not and decides to just leave it there for now. The antidote is not quite stable and he's probably gonna turn back any moment, but then again he might stay in this form for a bit longer. 

'Bro, are you alright, I heard what happened'

Looks like Heiji already knew.

these kind of information spreads like wildfire. 

He texts him back, knowing that he would have his back and not tell Ran anything.

'Yeh I'm fine dude, I think I'll have to talk to her, but right now I'm back to my original form, I'm not really sure what to do, the antidote is not so stable, I might turn back, I might not,'

He gets ready to put his phone away.


That was quick

'woah that's news bro, have you thought of what to do'

'no I'll just see what happens, going with the flow ya know'

'yeah got u dude'



After Ran telling Kazuha everything, they had decided to take their minds of it by getting their nails done in the brand new mall on Eika street. The rooftop on the mall was glass which meant that the ceiling of every store was see through, pretty cool. 

They had forced Heiji to come with them cause he had nothing else better to do but he insisted that he didn't want to take part in what he called 'feminine' activities to which the two girls responded with a slap at his face. 

Pretty sure he learnt his lesson after that. 

They know he didn't mean it that way, it was just funny. 

Ran had chosen her favourite colour blue, with dolphins on a few of her fingers while Kazuha got soft pink, a perfect match to her personality, with cherry blossoms painted on.

Since Heiji didn't want to get his done, he sat outside watching his phone, just like every other boyfriend who has to come to the nail salon with his girlfriend. 

 Inside, the girls were laughing their experiences in primary school, but Kazuha can see Ran's pain inside, but she had no idea how to help her because she cannot picture how bad she must feel. She could only sympathise like she always did. 

"Hey Ran," her eyes wander around before looking at hers, checking to see if anyone was looking," can I ask you something".

She nods cautiously, 

"Do you still have feelings for him," Kazuha's usual bubbly tone had switched to a low rumble and Ran knew then that she was serious.

For a second outside, the sun was blocked by clouds, the sudden cool whiff of Spring blended in amidst the heat, like the light amidst the dark. Time seemed to stop for a second for them to notice the change in brightness.

She turns to Kazuha, "I don't know yet, I'm just confused."

Our Love Is Like Fireworks [Detective Conan Fanfic] (Rei x Shiho)Where stories live. Discover now