Chapter 32

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Shiho got the cue that Ran and Kazuha are pretty much the real life definition of typical high school girls who care about those stereotypical girl things. Which obviously there's nothing wrong with because she's basically one of those girls too. 

And this conversation has been brought up before already. Liking 'stereotypical' girl things need to be normalised, not ostracised. The last thing she wanted was to feel pressured by fellow girls to dislike fashion and making herself feel pretty. She wasn't doing it for anyone else but herself.


They had talked for the entire hour as Kazuha and Ran got their nails done, talking about topics ranging from Fusae purses to nowadays politics for some reason. Also touched on a bit of mind blowing antidotes some scientists have invented but we won't talk about that.

"Eh Osaka?!" Kazuha repeats in astonishment, "I just assumed you'd support Tokyo because you live here,"

Shiho chuckles lightly, knowing that her supporting Osaka is not really about how good they play, "yeah I just like the spirit in the team more,"

Spirit as in Higo Ryusseke more specifically.

"Thats great, another supporter for Osaka," Kazuha declares proudly a look of pride spread across her face, "you hear that Ran".

She furrows her eyebrows innocently, "I don't even watch soccer Kazuha".

"Oh haha nevermind," she laughs it off, rubbing her hand on the back of her head, just like how Heiji does.


Shiho had got back home half an hour ago, after the whole hour of conversing with two people she never thought she'd have interactions with. Her whole body weak and fragile and hanging off the side of her bed like a sloth. She wouldn't be too proud if someone just happened to walk in right now. Her head buried into the pillows, plagued by the disease all introverts get when things like this happen. 

Overload of socialising.

Yes it's a disease. 

Sure the girls were a pleasure to be with and getting her nails done made her very content, but an introvert like her can never have more than half an hour of socialising in a big group with her doing the talking on a frequent basis.  

To make matters worse, they had invited both Rei and her to a party one of Ran's dad's friend is hosting next week and the dress code is formal attire. She tried to wipe off the smirk of Rei's face when Ran mentioned that, even though the little butterflies in her stomach said otherwise. 

A guttural curse escapes her mouth in response to her just thinking about having to actually socialise more after a tiresome day. She genuinely did not look forward to it. The only part good about it is that she gets to pick what to wear and go shopping this weekend for a dress. 

Guess getting nails done was the right move.

Shinichi walks in her room, scanning around, "have you seen Agasa? There's barely anything in the fridge"

Wow, he just had to walk in now. 

"No, he probably went out, just got out buy something,"

"I'm too hungry to walk,"

She shoots him a deadly look which he responds with a shiver, "well then die of hunger".

He lowers his eyelids, you're no help, reaching for the door handle so he can go on a mission in search for random scrapes in the house.

"I saw Mouri today," Shiho debated if she should tell him that. She didn't want to hurt his feelings by bringing his ex up, but it wouldn't be fair him to suddenly see them starting to hangout without even telling him. Also in hopes of getting Kudo to apologise to Ran.

He turns around immediately, "really?" and his shoulders drop indifferently, "it's a small world huh,"

"I talked to her,"

It took him a moment to register it fully, staring at Shiho in a you're kidding me way hahah before he realises she's not joking.

"You," he points out her, "talked to Ran?"

That's like the most unlikely pair Shinichi could imagine conversing together. And he knows Shiho very well, aware of the fact that she is never willing to put up a conversation for more than half an hour, not even with him sometimes. 

"Well technically with Ran and Kazuha, Rei was there with me,"

Rei again. Shinichi thought.

"We were at the nail salon and they recognised me from last time,"

Shiho thought about telling him about the party thing, but she might put it off till later. 

"Oh," Shinichi seems visibly sad, leaving Shiho at a loss of to say, she hated dealing with these stuff. The feelings and emotions and all.

"Listen," she starts, "you should apologise or just talk to her, if you still like her, I think you should do something about it".

He sighs, "I don't know, I'm just"

A pause.

"You're just what?"

He purses his lips, "confused."


Shinichi shrugs his shoulders as if tired of everything, walking towards the door "I'll think about it,".

Once he steps outside, he waits a bit behind the door, hearing a small murmur inside saying, "what is he confused about?"

Confused about my feelings. 

Our Love Is Like Fireworks [Detective Conan Fanfic] (Rei x Shiho)Where stories live. Discover now