Chapter 22

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"Where," she breathes, a bit of small frustration rising up, "did they all go".

He looks around cluelessly, scanning the area before concluding, "it's just you and me now m'lady,"

She scoffs rather mockingly, "I can see that, but where?" she paused, "how?"

They wondered if their group had stupidly pulled a ridiculous prank on them because they're just that immature, literally, but after 15 minutes of hearing only the soft noice of leaves rustling against the now timid wind, they had decided otherwise. 

"Is anyone there?" Rei yells, in a final attempt to fruitlessly locate their whereabouts, even though he knows it's probably just useless


"Let's just try to get back to the campsite then," Shiho suggests, getting up and bushing the dust of her pants.

"See there's one problem," he points out, "we don't know which way we came from".

Unfortunately, he was right, the paths on either sides of them were all filled with trees and bushes. Their footsteps from the hike up had been erased by the wind and the compass they'd been using to guide them was with Shinichi. 

Yup, they were screwed. 

"I think we should just start walking and end up wherever the wind will take us," Rei suggests, the breeze picking up quite significantly, "literally".

She rolls her eyes, "we can't, what if we get lost? We need to find a way to find the others first".

"But you never know, maybe if we just walk around we'll find them,"

Shiho stays silent for a bit as she surveys her surroundings, pursing her lips in response. Rei had already made his way up the mountain, waving his hand at Shiho, signalling for her to come. 

"It's on you if we get lost," she mumbles.


"Wait, you're telling me you would pick strawberry ice cream over chocolate?!?" Rei was visibly distraught at her outrageous opinion, almost feeling a sense of betrayal, "I can't believe you would do that to me". 

"What are you talking about," she still is carrying her coldly arrogant, yet soft facade, her voice remaining in a 'matter of factly' tone, "strawberry is elite,"

"But wha, how-" he stutters in disbelief, "explain what about the strawberry flavour that makes you like it more than the amazing chocolate,"

"I just think chocolate is overrated," 

"But why?"

"Strawberry has a deeper depth than just plain sweetness like chocolate,"

"Nah m'lady, you got it the opposite way round,"

"I don't believe so Mister"

He chuckled, eyeing her in response to his nickname, "I actually like that," his genuine laugh actually sounding sincere.

"What" she smirks, "mister?"

"Cause it sounds like you're saying I'm the mister and you're my missus," 

"I hope you know that was not my intention,"

He twists his lips into a half smuggish smirk, "sure", dragging out his vowels as Shiho rolls his eyes at him and walks away. 

They keep walking aimlessly along the muddy pathway for the next few minutes, treading slowly on rusty leaves and remnants left behind from the wind that should be blamed for all of this. 

Shiho had only had a plain t shirt on her with biker shorts that rode up to her thighs occasionally, which did not compliment the weather as goosebumps formed inevitably on her skin. 

Her teeth had started to chatter, shivering against the coldness and sneezing every 5 seconds.

Ugh, stupid weather, I swear if this gives me a cold-

She had abruptly stopped when she felt a blanket of warmth spread on her back, shielding her from the harshness of the weather. A sensation of... fluffiness? That was all she thought about. And the strong scent of mens cologne impregnating her, a very familiar and fresh scent. 

"You look like you could use my jacket,"

She turns around before she feels warmth surround her heart, not from the jacket, but from Rei's sudden act of kindness. She felt she had to reject it, because it didn't seem like her to accept a jacket from someone like him, but it was hard to take the fluffiness away from her. 

"Thank you," she mutters. 

Our Love Is Like Fireworks [Detective Conan Fanfic] (Rei x Shiho)Where stories live. Discover now